lxvi. love confessions

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love confessions

CHAPTER LXVIlove confessions

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AS THE SMALL GROUP FLEED AWAY FROM THE ENTIRE SCENE, Flash had decided to livestream the whole entire thing, shouting at his phone.

Noah, Ned and the others were simply just running away altogether. They were continuously bumping into other panicked people, too.

Whilst running, a familiar face was spotted in the crowd. This person wasn't running away from the scene, though. They were actually running towards the small group of five.

It was Happy.



Almost immediately, Noah and Happy stopped within their tracks, the others also stopping as well.

Noah was so thankful to see that somebody else was actually here to help him. It was hard enough attempting to guide all of his friends away from the elemental also whilst trying to not reveal his secret identity.

"I gotta get you guys out of here!" Happy told. "Get on the jet!"

Unlike Ned and Noah, the others were simply confused as to who Happy was and why he was here.

"Who are you?" Michelle asked.

"I work with Spider-Man, okay?" Happy stated. "You gotta get on that ship!"

Flash butted in, no longer live-streaming the situation. He glared at Happy, his expression extremely excited and surprised.

"You work for Spider-Man?!"

"I work with Spider-Man," Happy corrected, "not for Spider-Man!"

Just as Happy finished his sentence off, an explosion bursted out behind the group, causing them all to glance.

It was Happy's ship. Mysterio definitely knew.

Noah was really worried, now. His eyebrows furrowed and his sea green eyes widened, he stuffed his face into his hands. The last thing he wanted was for his friends to be hurt.

"New plan," Happy ordered, "into the tower!"

And with those words, the group bolted off, now making their way towards the tower, the one that Happy had just spoken about.

Noah was about to ask Happy if he knew where Peter was. But, he couldn't as he was cut off.

"Happy, are you okay? Is Noah okay?"

The muffled voice that had came through Happy's earpiece was Peter's voice. Thank god. It was so good to hear Peter's voice again. Noah thought that Peter had died out there or something.

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