lii. awesome

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AFTER SPEAKING WITH NICK AND THE OTHERS, the duo headed back to the hotel. They were only able to get a small amount of sleep before waking up in order to get ready to travel to their next destination, so they were obviously quite tired.

Noah was currently standing outside, holding all of his bags within his hands as he watched all of his classmates bringing their bags out one by one.

His mind was completely blank, though. He was clueless and knackered. All he wanted was just a few more hours of sleep. But, that wasn't exactly possible at the moment.

Almost falling asleep over at over again, he allowed tired yawns and groans to slip from his lips, gently rubbing his hand over his face as he leaned against a wall.

Then, finally enough, Mr. Harrington emerged from the hotel, greeting all of his students with a bright smile.

"Good news!" He informed. "We're going to Prague!"

Noah immediately awakened from being half-asleep. His sea green eyes being immediately widened, he glared over at Mr. Harrington with pure rage.

"No!" He yelped out. "I am not going to Prague!"

After that accidental and furious screech, everybody just glared over at him in slight confusion, not expecting him to react so wildly.

"Too bad. The tour company called. They upgraded us." Mr. Harrington joyfully told. "You should've heard me on the phone with them. I really gave them hell. All I heard was crying."

Noah had calmed down only a little. On the outside, that was. On the inside, his blood was boiling. He was literally about to explode.

He knew that Mr. Harrington hadn't talked to the tour company. He knew that this had to be Nick and his little goons. It couldn't just be a coincidence.

Slowly but surely, Mr. Harrington began to guide all of his students away from the small hotel.

"Look at our upgraded ride, huh?"

Once the group had turned around a corner, they found themselves standing by a bus that had tinted windows and was painted completely black.

One of Nick's friends from earlier, Dimitri, was standing right outside of the bus. He was holding a sign, indicating that this bus was indeed for the students of Midtown High.

Noah wanted to just cry. He definitely knew that this was Nick, now. He didn't want to be involved with Nick's superhero missions at all. He just wanted to relax and have a fun vacation. That was all.

He halted within his tracks for a few moments, completely stunned with multiple and overwhelming emotions.

Both Peter and Ned seemed to have stopped as well, right beside Noah. They both just admired the bus before them with slight confusion.

"What- What's going on?" Ned breathed.

"I think Nick Fury just hijacked our summer vacation."

As everybody slowly began to enter the large bus, the trio just stared for a long amount of time. Unlike Ned, Noah and Peter knew that this wasn't good at all, especially knowing that their friends would now be exposed to danger once again.

Peter was more much more puzzled than angry. He just watched at the entire scene, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his mouth slightly agape.

Noah, on the other hand, was still furious. He wanted to just bawl his eyes out right then and there. He was so fucking stressed.

But, Ned thought otherwise. He seemed to be excited about this situation, for whatever reason.


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