xxiv. homecoming

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CHAPTER XXIVhomecoming

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

TODAY WAS THE DAY OF HOMECOMING. Everybody had been excited all day, showing off their gorgeous dates and their expensive outfits, beaming for the event to finally happen.

But, Noah wasn't exactly beaming like everybody else was.

He was honestly distraught, knowing that he could've possibly asked Peter to homecoming if Liz hadn't accidentally stepped in on the wrong moment.

There wasn't much he could do about it now, was there? He just had to arrive without a date standing by his side.

Currently though, he was being driven by Hugo to Midtown High, where the homecoming party was supposed to be taking place.

He was sat in the passengers seat, his head resting against the cold glass window. He wore a blank expression upon his face, not wearing anything too special, just a black silky long-sleeved polo shirt and some black bottoms, along with some black ankle boots.

He hadn't spoken throughout the whole drive, only staring out of the window. He gently fiddled with the metallic rings he wore around his fingers.

Hugo kept an eye on Noah. He could truly see that his younger brother wasn't doing so great, just by reading his expression.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"Everything is fine, Hugo."

"Are you sure?"

Those words just made Noah feel slightly irritated. He slowly slumped into his seat, cupping his own face with his hands. He just sighed underneath his breath.

"Nothing is fine, actually." He huffed in defeat.

"What's up?"

"I kind of had an opportunity I wish I took."

"And that opportunity is?"

Before Noah could even think to respond, the car had finally arrived at the homecoming party, interrupting the conversation altogether.

Noah slowly leaned forwards once the car had been parked. He gently placed hand onto the handle of the car door, glancing over at Hugo, his expression still plain. He tilted his head to the side, some strands of his brown locks covering his sea green eyes.

"I- I should go." He stammered.

Hugo was still a little concerned, but he didn't question on it. He just looked over at his younger sibling, nodding his head as his lips tugged into a warm smile.



And with those words, Noah forced the car door open. He hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut once he was out of it.

Once Noah had walked onto the pavement, Hugo began to drive the car off and into the foggy distance.

Noah just paused to admire the party. He could see that the building was entirely filled up with colourful decorations, distracting lights, booming music and crazy teenagers.

He cringed at the sight. But, there was no turning back now, was there?

He hesitantly began to walk towards the buzzing school, steadily stuffing his hands into his pockets, his thumbs slightly sticking out.

Once he was close enough, he pushed the door open, the extremely loud music becoming much more clearer at this point. He glanced around as he halted within his tracks, unable to see any of his friends in sight.

"Hey, Noah!"

That sudden voice made Noah startled, causing him to slightly flinch. He turned around, though, only to see Ned and Michelle standing right by his side.

He looked at them, his lips curling into a slight smile. He clenched his jaw, his shoulders slightly tense due to all of the loud music going on around him.

"Oh, uh, hi." He finally responded.

"Has anybody ever told you that you're looking stunning tonight?" Ned asked.

"I mean, not really."

"Well, you look amazing, Noah."

"You too, Ned."

Only to intrude on the conversation altogether, the doors of the buzzing hall had swung wide open, only to reveal Peter walking on in.

He looked stunned, for whatever reason. He had also seemed to be walking in without a person, seeming like he didn't have a date either. He had noticed Noah, Ned and Michelle though, beginning to slowly approach them.

Noah looked away. He genuinely just didn't feel the greatest whilst looking at Peter. Yeah. He still had feelings for the spiderling. But, after being interrupted on asking out Peter yesterday, he was just so ashamed.

"Hey, loser." Michelle greeted Peter.

"Uh, hi."

"You don't have a date either?" Noah awkwardly murmured.

"Actually, I-"

All of Noah's questions were quickly answered when someone had just decided to join on into the conversation, that someone being Liz Allan, of course.

She seemed to be approaching Peter specifically, an extremely friendly smile dancing on her painted lips.

"Hey." She greeted Peter. "What did he say to you?"

Those words just left Noah, Ned and Michelle completely confused. They didn't know exactly who Liz was referring to.

Peter took a moment before responding. He still looked as frozen as he was when he walked in. He didn't even smile, which was extremely unusual.

"I gotta go." He choked out. "I-I'm sorry. You don't deserve this."

And with those words, Peter rushed off in a hurry, pushing himself throughout the crowds of students which he walked by.

The remaining four just watched him walk away. Just like that. They were even more puzzled than beforehand. Concerned, even.

Noah glanced around, looking at Ned specifically. He tightened his jaw ever so slightly, his head tilting to the side for a few moments.

"I'm gonna go see if he's alright, okay?"

Before the others could even react, Noah was off within a flash as well, his walking pace brisk and firm. He knew that something was wrong with Peter and he truly wanted to help.

Ned had attempted to chase after Noah. He tried to catch up with the German, but he certainly wasn't walking as fast as Noah currently was.

"Wait, Noah!"

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