xii. intriguing

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CHAPTER XIIintriguing

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

FINALLY ENOUGH, Noah had found his locker. Took long enough. And he was just in time, considering the fact that his first class was now starting in just over five minutes.

He approached the completely empty locker, halting right in front of it. He pulled his schedule out of his bag, which also had his locker code written on it.

He glanced between the paper and the locker, slowly inserting the special passcode, attempting to not make any mistakes.

Then, the locker clicked open. He pulled it open, sliding his bag off his shoulder. He dug into it, tossing his unneeded and unnecessary supplies into his plain locker.

As Noah stuffed his things into his locker, he heard footsteps. But, they weren't footsteps of a person who was just walking by, it was footsteps of a person who was approaching him.


After hearing somebody suddenly call his name out, Noah whipped his head around, only to see an unfamiliar face.

This unfamiliar face belonged to a teenage boy, who was slightly shorter than Noah. He had chocolate brown eyes and dark brown curls, which could make you fall in love within an instant. He was just so dreamy.

Noah's back was now against his locker, considering the fact that this boy was stood a little too close to him, which didn't really bother him.

He could feel his cheeks warming up, his face fading into a pinky hue. He nervously laughed underneath his breath, his lips tugging into an awkward smile.

"Uh, I'm sorry." He murmured. "But, who are you?"

The slightly shorter boy smiled back, his smile charming. He glanced to the side for a moment, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"You- You don't remember?"

Noah didn't know what this guy was even talking about. The only thing he found familiar about this boy was his voice, but he couldn't quite remember who it belonged to.


The shorter boy cringed. He anxious chuckled underneath his breath, his teeth gently grazing along his bottom lip.

"Uh, it's Peter. Parker." He stuttered.

Noah almost choked on the air out of shock. He certainly didn't expect Peter to be so goddamn attractive out of that suit. No wonder he recognised that voice.

His sea green eyes widened, he awkwardly laughed, unsure of how to even respond. He looked down for a moment, chewing down on his bottom lip.


Almost immediately Peter slammed his hand over Noah's mouth, knowing what he was going to say. He squeezed his brown eyes shut for a moment, pressing his lips into a thin line as he steadily pulled his hand away.

"Please, don't tell anybody." He whined.

Noah was quite startled by the sudden movement, but he took Peter's words. He slowly nodded his head in response, tilting his head to the side.

"Uh, right."

Noah had no clue why Peter didn't want anybody to know that he was the one and only Spider-Man. Maybe Peter just had a secret identity like Noah did?

"You look really cute-" Noah stammered. "I mean, nice."

"You- You too."

Before Noah could even respond, the school bell began to ring, signalling all of the students to head to their first class of the day.

The two teenage boy's glanced at each other, both of them making awkward eye contact. They shot friendly but nervous smiles at one another.

Peter slightly lowered his head, gently gripping onto the strap of his bag. He gave Noah a slight nod, his lips still tugged into a sweet smile.

"I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yeah- Yeah." Noah replied. "I'll see you around."

And with Noah's awkward response, Peter briskly turned around on his heels and walked right off without saying another word.

Noah just watched the spiderling walk off, unable to stop looking until he was completely out of sight.

After seeing Peter out of the mask, Noah was extremely intrigued. He wanted to get to know Peter even more. So, that was his mission here at Midtown. To find out more about Peter.

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