lxiii. not one to judge

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not one to judge


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As Peter spoke with pure worry, he paced around the entire hotel room, swiftly closing all of the curtains out of sheer paranoia.

"How could I be that stupid?" He mumbled. "He's probably spying on me right now or sending a drone to come and kill me."

Noah watched as Peter paced around the entire room, panicked. He truly wanted to comfort Peter. But, he knew that nothing was going to help Peter now.

"You're not stupid, Peter." He told.

"Yes, I am." Peter whined.

He then approached Noah with a serious expression upon his face, his phone now in hand.

"Look, I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him that Beck's a fraud." He spoke. "But, I think he tapped my phone."

"So, what are we gonna do?"

"Well, I need my suit and I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr. Fury in person."

As Peter rambled away to Noah, he grabbed onto his bag, which was on the floor. He tossed it onto the bed, unzipping it along the way.

Without a single word, Peter began to take his clothes off, his shirt and hoodie going off first.

Just as he took his shirt off, he paused, realising that Noah was literally standing right there.

Noah was honestly screaming on the inside, in a good way, of course. His sea green eyes widened and his face now completely red, he turned his back to Peter, not wanting to make the scene even more weirder by just staring.

Peter continued to take off his clothes as quick as he possibly could, wanting to put his suit on and flee before anything bad could happen.

Noah was honestly so embarrassed. He had just been caught staring at Peter, who was literally standing there half-naked.

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment or two, his nose also crinkling upwards. But, just as he opened his eyes, he saw Ned standing in the doorway.

He glared over at Ned, the tension extremely awkward, especially as Peter hadn't even acknowledged anything yet.

Peter noticed once he had put on his noir suit, just in perfect timing. He turned around, only to face a frightened Ned and an embarrassed Noah.

"Oh, Ned. Perfect."

Ned just glared between Peter and Noah, his eyes widened. He began to shake his from side-to-side, beginning to rush his words as he spoke.

"Listen, I don't know what I just walked in on. But, if you guys are into hooking up with each other, just say that. I mean, I'm really not one to judge-"

Even though Peter was literally wearing a mask over his face, he instantly blushed at that comment. He began to search for words, awkward stutters slipping from his lips.

"I, uh- Ned, no." He corrected. "I'm just changing into my suit."

Noah couldn't even look at Peter anymore. He was blushing way too hard at the moment, butterflies literally tickling at his stomach.

"Uh, right." Ned murmured.

After that very unnecessary conversation, Peter had decided to go back to talking about more serious matters.

"Look, Mysterio is a fraud." He informed Ned.

"But, he saved me and Betty's lives."

"Excuse me?" Noah butted in. "I was the one who saved you and Betty. Not fishbowl-man."

"Right." Ned said. "But, How is he a fraud, though?"

"He's been faking the whole elemental thing with illusion tech." Noah responded.

"Yeah, he's using these, like, hologram projectors."

Ned didn't seem to be extremely phased by this at all. He was already used to crazy shit like this, especially as he was literally best friends with two superheroes.

"Whoa." He breathed. "That's crazy."

"Ned, I need you to call Aunt May, get her to call Mr. Harrington to say that she wanted me to stay with family in Berlin."

"Got it." Ned spoke. "Easy."

"I gotta go!"

And with those words, Peter bolted towards an open window, pulling the curtains wide open once again. He was about to leave, until Noah had pulled him back.

Noah gently placed a hand onto Peter's shoulder, concern and worry written upon his face. He didn't want Peter to go all by himself. Not again.

"Why can't I come with you?" He questioned.

"Because, Noah, you gotta protect everybody else." Peter replied. "Okay?"

"I'm worried about you, though."

Peter sighed underneath his breath, his breath heavy. He felt bad for leaving Noah behind. He really did. But, he had to go to Berlin alone.

"Noah, I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I'll see you soon, I promise."

Noah finally let go. He clenched his jaw, his features slightly saddened. He really was worried about Peter going all by himself. What if Peter got hurt out there and nobody was there to help him?

He just accepted his fate, though. He slowly walked towards the bed and towards Peter's bag, where the projector was.

He shoved his hands into the bag, pulling out the small projector only moments later. Then, he tossed it towards Peter.

Peter caught it almost immediately. He gave Noah a firm nod, now relying on him to protect all of his classmates.

"Bye, elektrisch."

"Bye, spinne."

And with those words, Peter hopped out of the open window, shooting a web into the air as he did so.

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