xiv. the decathlon team

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the decathlon team

CHAPTER XIVthe decathlon team

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

AFTER LUNCH, Noah had found himself wandering through the hallways of the unfamiliar school, searching for his locker once again.

His fifth class of the day was about to begin in fifteen minutes, giving him some free-time to just wander around. But, he also had to grab some supplies from his locker.

He ran his fingers throughout his dark brown curls, his bag swung over his shoulder. He glanced at all of the students who passed by, their shoulders grazing against his.

All of a sudden, firm yet calm footsteps began to approach Noah from behind, causing him to slow down his walking pace ever so slightly.

"Hey, Noah."

And there stood Michelle, from earlier. She seemed to be awfully attached to Noah already, which certainly wasn't a bad thing.

"Hi, MJ." Noah would greet.

"I have a question for you." Michelle told. "Liz told me to ask you since she's too busy, apparently."

"Who's Liz?"

Michelle huffed underneath her breath, slightly crossing her arms over her chest. She seemed to be holding onto a small stack of books.

"Did you see that girl hanging up that poster in the cafeteria?"

Noah could vividly remember seeing that exact scene. He could remember walking into the cafeteria and seeing a girl with long brown hair hanging up a poster which had the word 'homecoming' written all over it.

"Uh, yes." He responded.

"Yeah, yeah. That's her. Whatever." Michelle groaned. "Well, she asked me to ask you if you wanted to join the decathlon team?"

"Why does she want me to join?"

"She's the leader." Michelle informed "She wants more people to join, there's a competition in a few weeks."

Noah thought to himself. He figured that it was maybe time to focus on other things but music for now. Besides, he wanted to get to know more people in this school and joining a club would probably help, right?

He halted within his tracks, Michelle doing so too. He nibbled down onto his bottom lip, nodding his head ever so slightly.

"It's time to get off my ass for once." He told. "I'll join."

"Cool, uh, I'll tell her then."

"Also, tell her that she should actually approach me next time."

"Will do."

And with those words, the brunette smiled for a few short moments, turning around and stumbling back down the buzzing hallways afterwards.

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