xiii. losers

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

CURRENTLY, most of the students were sat in the lunch hall. They were all either sitting with each other in small groups or were sitting on their own. Nothing too special.

Noah was sat alone. He hadn't really found somebody to sit next to just yet. He was just dying of boredom, wishing that somebody was just going to approach him and start a conversation with him.

He picked at his food, his head resting on the top of his palm. He rolled his sea green eyes to the sky, a huff of boredom slipping through his teeth.


Those words immediately startled Noah, causing him to briskly whip his head around to see who was there.

Before him stood a tall girl with curly brown hair. She seemed quite emotionless, not even a smile on her face. She held a lunch tray within her hands, looking down at Noah.

"Uh, hi." Noah responded.

"You look interesting." The girl would comment. "Mind if I sit with you?"

Noah was needy for some small talk. He obviously didn't want to deny this girl's offer. So, he slightly nodded his head.

"Not at all."

And with this words, the brunette sat right next to Noah. She placed the lunch tray she held right before her, finally shooting Noah a smile that only lasted for a second.

"I'm Michelle." She introduced herself. "But, my friends call me MJ."

"Noah Kitzler."

"You're new, right?" Michelle questioned.


"You wanna be friends?" Michelle asked. "I can, like, show you around and stuff."

"Sounds fun." Noah murmured. "Yeah, we can be friends."


The two teenagers continued chattering on about complete nonsense. The subjects they were talking about were weird but also intriguing at the same exact time.

To intrude on the conversation altogether, Peter and his best friend, Ned, had decided to sit down at the same exact table as Michelle and Noah were. They were sat on the opposite end of the table, though.

Noah wasn't exactly bothered that Peter and Ned had sat down at the same table. He was more focused on chattering away to Michelle right now if anything.

Sooner than later, he found himself wanting to just get a glimpse of Peter, even if it was just for a quick moment or two.

So, he glanced over at Peter, all of the voices around him becoming muffled. He had completely zoned out, his main focus now being Peter.

Peter was talking with Ned, his head resting on the top of his hands. He looked so charming, just like he did earlier. He seemed to be dozing off, just like Noah was.

But, it didn't take Noah long to realise that Peter was staring, too.

The two teenage boy's made sudden eye contact, both of them just awkwardly staring at each other for a moment. They didn't even know how to react.

Ned had already noticed that Peter was staring. He had noticed before Noah had even noticed. He smiled over at Peter, letting out a small chuckle.

"You should probably stop staring before it gets creepy." He commented, speaking loud enough for Noah and Michelle to hear.

It wasn't exactly creepy. It was actually really cute. At least from Noah's point of view, anyway.

"Too late."

Noah, Ned and Peter looked over at Michelle, who was admiring the scene just like Ned already was.

"You guys are losers." Michelle added, referring to Ned and Peter.

Peter looked slightly offended by that comment, gesturing his hand a little out of irritation, his face completely etched with annoyance.

Ned, on the other hand, remained calm. He was also as confused by Michelle's sudden insult as Peter already was, just glancing over at her.

"Well, then why did you sit with us?" He asked.

"Shouldn't we be asking you the same thing?" Noah remarked.

As he spoke, he could feel his lips tugging into a slightly crooked smirk, his narrowed green eyes specifically laid upon Peter.

Peter just looked away as Ned had already done so, his breath hitched. He didn't want to look back at Noah, but something about the German was just making him stare and stare.

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