lxxiii. liar

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NEW YORK, USA — 2024

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NEW YORK, USA — 2024

FOR THE PAST FEW HOURS, Noah had been sat in an interrogation room, all by himself. He was genuinely not bothered to stay in here all night. He was tired, afraid and so fucking stressed.

He just wanted this all to be over. But, that didn't seem to be the case.

Eventually enough, the door to the interrogation room opened up. It was the agent from earlier, entering with some folders within his grasp as he closed the door behind himself.

"Well, if it isn't Noah Kitzler,"

He then walked towards Noah, who was sat at a table. He then firmly slammed the folders that he was holding onto the table to seem somewhat intimidating.

Noah didn't bother to respond or flinch. Although, his leg was bouncing up and down nervously as he stared past the agent, not daring to make any sort of eye contact.

"Right." The agent uttered, seeing that Noah clearly wasn't replying. "So, how did you get dragged into this mess?"

As he spoke, he sat down on the chair across from Noah, continuously glancing down at the folders.

Noah slightly lowered his head, feeling as though if he would speak, he would just burst out and into stressful tears.

"I, erm, don't have any part in this." He finally sputtered out. "Neither does Peter, by the way."

He knew damn well that he was involved with Mysterio's death. But, it was for a good reason. He knew that Mysterio guy a horrible guy since the start.

"Are you sure about that, Noah?" The agent questioned. "Parker told me everything and you were also involved."

Noah glanced up, feeling as though his soul had literally just left his body. With eyes wide, he just gave in, a sigh of defeat escaping from his lips.

He knew that he couldn't lie about not being involved anymore, especially now that Peter had apparently told them everything.

He really fucked up big-time, didn't he?

"I lied,"

"So, did you just confirm that you have been involved in this situation as much as Parker is?" The agent said in disbelief.

Noah was just stunned in place. Firstly, he was kind of shocked that Peter had even mentioned him. And secondly, he basically had just confessed that he was lying.

The agent snapped his fingers firmly, giving Noah a sharp and intense glare. He didn't seem to want to waste anytime, did he?

"Did you just confess to being involved in the situation as much as Peter Parker is?"

Noah felt sick to his stomach, not even sure how to respond to that one. He didn't want to be completely thrown under the bus yet, especially due to the fact that he had never opened up about his powers and superhero stuff around much people before.

"Did you?"

"I, erm-" Noah would stammer breathily. "Yes, yes."

As he spoke, his voice trembled, the fear and anxiety within him so high right now. He couldn't even think straight or function properly.

The agent laughed out of sheer disbelief, having to look to the side for a good moment or two.

"Not only Peter Parker is a liar, but you are." He said.

Noah felt as though he was insane. He leaned forwards, his body tensing up as well as his features. He then stuffed his face into his hands, his elbows resting on the table.

"Who really are you, Noah Kitzler?"

Those words continuously ran throughout Noah's head for a good minute or two. He didn't want to answer that question. He really didn't. But, he didn't seem to have a choice, did he?

"I didn't do anything, I promise." He trembled. "Peter didn't do anything."

As he spoke, he could feel his eyes watering ever so slightly. But, he tried to stop himself from crying. He was just so stressed out, not sure if he could be involved in all of this anymore.

The agent decided to not push things any further at the moment, figuring it would be best to ask that question once Noah had calmed down.

"Please just answer my questions."

Noah gave the agent a chance and was willing to hear him out. But, he knew that if anything was said against Peter, he would defend him at all costs.

"I've seen your file. You're a clever, young boy with a bright future ahead of him." The agent said. "Why would you risk it all for getting involved with a vigilante like Peter Parker?"

Noah slumped into his chair, removing his hands from his face. He then crossed his arms over his chest, quickly looking to the side.

He was so fucking done.

"Mm, I'm done here." He firmly stated with shakiness in his tone.

"Please just-" The agent attempted to encourage.

"I said I'm done,"

The agent heard Noah out, taking his word. He sighed deeply underneath his breath, beginning to gather up all of the folders that he had brought in.

He then left the interrogation room without a single word, leaving Noah by himself once again.

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