xlviii. water monster

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water monster

CHAPTER XLVIIIwater monster

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FOR THE REST OF THE DAY, the entire class was supposed to be exploring the unfamiliar city before heading to the Da Vinci Museum at three.

But, obviously enough, it wasn't time to go to the museum yet.

So, Noah was currently wandering around the fascinating place. He was on his own as he had decided to abandon Michelle and Brad for a short while.

He was prepared to turn around a corner, immediately stopping within his tracks once he had noticed that somebody was only inches away from bumping right into him.

To his surprise, it was Peter.

He hadn't seen Peter for a good while. Ever since he had left the hotel to explore around, Peter had just disappeared for whatever reason.

Peter stopped as well. His face etched with slight shock, he looked up at Noah. He took a small step backwards, realising that he was standing a little too close to Noah.

He sent Noah a crooked smile, struggling for a few moments as he obviously tried to hide something behind his back.

Noah eyed Peter up and down, flashing a slight smile back. He had quickly noticed that Peter was hiding something, but he didn't want to question it yet.

"Hey, spinne." He would finally greet.

"H-Hi, hi."

Slowly but surely, the duo began to walk alongside each other, sharing sudden and quick eye contact with each other every now and then.



Peter began to grow slightly nervous at this point. He pressed his lips into a thin line, scratching the back of his neck as he fixated his gaze upon Noah.

"I-I'm sorry for how I talked to you at the airport, I really didn't mean to-"

Noah decided to cut Peter off right then and there. He didn't even care that Peter was acting petty back at the airport. He was just feeling a little concerned about Peter if anything.

"Don't worry about it, Peter." He assured. "I didn't take it to heart."

Peter was quite relieved after hearing Noah's response. Being the worrier he was, he thought that he had upset Noah back there.

Noah was quick on changing the subject. He inhaled in an almost silent breath, glancing over at Peter as he pursed his lips.

"So, what are you hiding?" He suddenly brought up.

Peter grew anxious almost immediately. He raised his eyebrows, his chocolate brown eyes slightly widened. He just allowed a nervous chuckle to slip from his lips, his nose slightly crinkling upwards as he did so.

"Oh, uh, nothing." He told.

Noah wasn't convinced. He knew that Peter was definitely hiding something. But, he certainly didn't want to force Peter to spit out the truth. So, he just stayed quiet.

His mouth slightly agape, he clenched his jaw. He slowly nodded his head, glancing off to the side.

But, just as he looked to the side, he noticed something rather odd. Tons of crabs began to crawl out of the water and onto the surface, the canal water beginning to shift around strangely.

"Do you see that?" He asked Peter.

As he spoke, he halted within his tracks. He glared over at Peter for a moment in slight concern, unsure on what was even happening to the water.

Peter stopped, too. He slightly cocked his head to the side, also feeling as puzzled as Noah was.

"Yeah, yeah." He breathed. "I do see that."

"What's happening?"

Before Peter could even respond to Noah's question, the canal water splashed metres into the air, flooding the streets and knocking all of the canals out of the way.

Unlike everybody else, Noah and Peter didn't run away and scream as they were already used to weird and sudden events like this one.

Right beside them, a large canal crashed right into a building. Both Betty and Ned were sat inside of it, both of them obviously looking traumatised by the abrupt event.

Without any hesitation, Peter and Noah rushed towards the duo. They immediately helped Ned and Betty out of the crashed canal, quick to guide them away from the moving water.

Once Betty and Ned had gotten out of the canal, the group of four glared over at the oddly-looking water.

The shifting canal water seemed to be emerging into something. It looked to be an enormous water monster. How strange.

"What is that?" Ned asked.

"I don't know!" Peter yelped.

"What are you gonna do?!"

"I left my suit in the hotel room!"


"Because, I'm on vacation, Ned! Everyone is gonna see my face!" Peter ordered. "Just get them out of here!"

Almost immediately, Ned began to guide Betty even further away from the big water monster.

Noah glanced over at Peter, his face slightly etched with fright. He wasn't sure on what to even do. He also didn't have his suit with him. He hadn't even brought it on the trip with him.

"I can't really do anything." He stated. "You know, water and electricity don't make a good mix, right?"

Peter then looked over at Noah. He smiled ever so slightly, the corners of his lips tugging upwards. He quickly nodded his head in response.

"I know that." He said. "Just get out of here, 'kay?"

"Don't be long." Noah mumbled. "I'll be thinking you died or something."

"I'll be fine, elektrisch. Just go."

With those reassuring words, Noah rushed off within a hurry. He was able to get away just in perfect timing as the water monster had knocked down a nearby building

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