xi. new boy

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new boy

NEW YORK, USA — 2017

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NEW YORK, USA — 2017

NOAH STOOD RIGHT BEFORE MIDTOWN HIGH, taking a couple of seconds to admire the buzzing building altogether.

This school seemed lively, students scattered around everywhere. But, that didn't certainly mean that this was an amazing school.

He exhaled underneath his breath, nibbling down on his bottom lip. He couldn't just stand here all day and stare at this school. He had to walk on in there.

Finally, he gained up the courage, beginning to strut past all of the beaming students and into the unfamiliar school.

Only minutes later, the German had found himself standing inside of the school, specifically close by to the reception.

He figured that he should line up at the reception, considering the fact that he needed a little help. A schedule would help. Maybe even a small map, too.

He lined up, tugging at the strap of his bag, which was swung around his shoulder. His head lowered, he glanced around, noticing some students just staring directly at him.

He didn't like it when people looked at him. He always thought that they were staring because he had activated his electric powers on accident, which happened a lot, but he was usually lucky on hiding it in public.

Then, finally, it was his turn. He was currently at the front of the line, face-to-face with the receptionist.

"How can I help you?" The receptionist emotionlessly asked.

"Uh, I'm new." Noah responded. "Can I have my schedule? Something to help me around this place, too?"

"Sure thing. Name?"

"Noah Kitzler."

And with those words, the receptionist picked up a few pieces of paper that were sat nearby. Then, they handed it over to Noah.

Noah immediately took those pieces of paper. He just wanted to end the awkwardness as soon as he possibly could. He crinkled his nose upwards, shooting an awkward smile in the receptionist's way before walking off.

After a few moments of walking, he decided to stand to the side for a moment. He leaned against the wall, reading throughout the papers for a moment.

The first piece of paper had his schedule on it with his locker code. The second and last piece was just a map of the entire school, which was helpful in some ways.

He figured that he should try to find his locker, considering the fact that his first class was in 30 minutes or so.

So, he stumbled off, gently shoving the two pieces of paper into his bag.

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