lv. not fair

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not fair


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BEFORE NOAH EVEN KNEW IT, him and his classmates had already arrived at Prague, a city that was completely filled up with colourful lighting and crowds of beaming people.

His stress level was skyrocketing at this point. The thought of even travelling to Prague to defeat this elemental panicked him. But, actually being there was a whole other story.

And now, he was entering what looked to be a very luxurious hotel with his peers. The interior was basically coated with golds and whites, the lobby much more bigger than the previous hotel they stayed at.

"Wow." Betty gasped. "This place is so classy."

"Yeah, so why are we here?"

"Speak for yourself." Flash scoffed. "I'm home."

"What can I say?" Mr. Harrington spoke. "The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease."

As he spoke, he had gathered all of his students around himself in order to tell them about the planned activities they were supposed to be doing tonight.

"Everyone get settled in, rest up." He told. "Because, tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual Carnival of Lights!"

Just as Mr. Harrington finished his sentence off, Peter's phone began to vibrate, as if somebody was trying to call him.

He began to dig his hands into his pockets almost immediately, quick to pull his phone out, only to see that Nick was trying to contact him.

He accepted the call and suddenly reached out for Noah, who was standing close by. He gripped tightly onto the other teenager's hand, quick to pull him away from everybody else.

Noah glared over at Peter in slight confusion, unsure as to why he had grabbed onto him and pulled him to the side. But, once he had heard who Peter was on a call with, he knew exactly why.

"Hello?" Peter murmured into the phone.

"Parker, it's Hill." The voice on the other side of the call spoke. "There's an earpiece in your suit. Put it in and await further instructions. Understood?"

Noah literally wanted to die right then and there. He thought he would be able to have a few relaxing hours in Prague before fighting the elemental. He didn't expect to be fighting it as soon as he got here.

"Uhm, yes, ma'am."

"Yeah. There's also a suit for Kitzler in your room too."


Before Peter could even finish his sentence off, Maria had already decided to end the call.

Peter glared down at his phone, confused as to why she had just hung up without a single word. But, he just shook it off.

He then glanced over at Noah, gently shoving his phone back into his pocket. He cringed ever so slightly, tilting his head to the side.

Noah slightly lowered his head, his features and shoulders looking extremely tense. He was so irritated and stressed, the urge to bawl his eyes out right then and there giving him a headache.

"I don't wanna do this." He groaned.

"I-I'm sorry, I know." Peter whispered. "But, Mr. Fury is gonna get mad if you avoid this one."

"None of this is fucking fair." Noah muttered underneath his breath. "I just wanted to have some fun, not risk my life for the millionth time."

As he spoke, his voice trembled. His lips curling into a small frown, he looked down at the ground.

Peter's heart genuinely ached after hearing the shakiness within Noah's voice. He felt really bad. He did. But, there wasn't really anything he could do about the situation anymore.

Before the conversation between the duo could even go any further, Ned had decided to step on in.

"Look, guys, I am so sorry if I seem like I'm preoccupied with my relationship." Ned told calmly. "I'm still your guy in the chair, Peter."

Peter peered over Noah's shoulder to look at Ned. He blinked rapidly, a nervous chuckle slipping from his lips.

Noah whipped his head around to glance at Ned as well. He attempted to hide his fury with a forced smile, his teeth gently grazing against his bottom lip.

"No, it's all good." Peter assured. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay, great, great."

After that really unnecessary conversation, Ned was quick on changing the subject, his worried expression growing into a much more serious one.

"So, what's the status on the elemental thing?" He asked. "Where's it gonna happen?"

There it was again. Prague. Elementals. Nick Fury. Superhero stuff. Noah was dreading it all.

"Uh, here, in the city." Peter responded.

"Peter, we're here!" Ned would exclaim.

"I know, I know, it's not good." Peter mumbled. "It's- We're figuring it out."

"You have to do something, guys, please." Ned begged. "We're all counting on you."

Before Peter or Noah could even respond to that one, Betty had decided to call out for Ned, interrupting the conversation altogether.


"Yeah, coming, babe!"

Without a single utter, Ned had rushed towards Betty and his other classmates once again, leaving Peter and Noah all by themselves once again.

Noah looked back at Peter once again, inhaling in an almost silent breath. He was literally on the edge of having a mental breakdown, if that wasn't obvious by now.

"I'm really not ready for this." He shuddered.

Peter glanced over at Noah, his features etched with concern. He saw how stressed out Noah currently was, so he wanted to comfort him in any way possible.

He gave Noah a reassuring yet faint smile, slowly reaching out to grab onto his hand once again.

"Don't worry, elektrisch." He told. "I'll protect you."

Noah slightly flinched at the sudden touch, not quite expecting it. His cheeks now faded into a rosey hue, his lips began to uncontrollably tug into a slight smile.

Even though Peter had attempted to help, nothing was working for Noah. He still wasn't cheered up in the slightest.

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