viii. ready

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GERMANY — 2016

AFTER A FEW MINUTES OF BATTLING, Noah had found himself standing right next to Clint and a mini-Scott.

Currently, Sam was being chased down by Tony and had asked for help. Of course, Clint and Scott were going to help.

Scott was shrunken down on one of Clint's arrows, determined to get inside of Tony's suit in order to distract him from catching up with Sam.

Clint was aiming at the flying Stark. He was aiming perfectly. No wonder everybody said he was the world's greatest archer. He really was.

"Buckled in?"

"Yeah. No. I'm good." Scott replied. "I'm good. Arrow guy. Let's go!"

"You can do this, bug." Noah assured.

And with those words, Clint had shot the arrow right at Tony, immediately clutching onto his attention.

As Scott attempted to destroy Tony's suit altogether, Clint and Noah were completely left on their own, admiring the battle before them.

But, to intrude on the moment, Vision had just decided to fly on in. He hovered before Clint and Noah, his expression blank, as always.

Clint and Noah stopped watching the battle for a moment, looking over at the calm android instead.

"I do not believe what you two are doing is right." Vision told.

Clint leaned into Noah for a moment. He continued to keep his eyes on Vision, though. He didn't want Vision attempting to attack whilst he looked away, did he?

"You wanna get the robot for me, kid?"

Noah was determined by that question. He tilted his head to the side, his lips tugging into an excited grin. He squinted his sea green eyes, his gaze fallen upon Vision.

"Why the fuck not?"

"Excuse me?" Vision said.

"You ready?" Clint whispered.

"Whew! Of course, I'm ready!" Noah yelped. "I've always wanted to beat C-3P0's ass!"

And with those words, Noah's hands began to spark with familiar blue electricity. He slowly raised his hands into the air, sure to shoot some electricity right in Vision's way.

But, before he could even do so, a figure had swept into the way. They picked him up without a single word.

Noah grunted out of irritation. He began to slap this person right in the face, knowing that it was most likely somebody on Tony's team.

"Stop doing that, kid!"

Noah finally stopped. He glanced up, only to see the one and only Tony Stark. He furrowed his eyebrows, a frown crawling onto his lips.

"Let me go, tin-can!" He yelled. "I wanna fight that robot of yours!"

"Too bad." Tony stated. "You're not-"

Before he could even finish his sentence off, he was tossed to the side by the familiar red magic of Wanda.

Noah also fell to the ground as Tony was forced to drop him. He grunted in pain due to such a high fall, clutching onto his sides. He glanced up, only to see Wanda standing before him.

"Thank- Thank you!"

"Not a problem, Noah."

And with those words, the witch dressed in reds began to battle against the man made of iron.

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