lxxiv. really good lawyer

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really good lawyer

CHAPTER LXXIVreally good lawyer

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NEW YORK, USA — 2024

THE NEXT MORNING, Noah, Peter and May had been released from being interrogated. Not only that, but Happy and Ned had also been interrogated.

Currently though, Noah, Peter, May and Happy were all gathered up inside of Peter and May's apartment, each of them focused on the news.

As the news reporter chattered on about the entire situation, an older photo of Happy flickered onto the television screen.

"At least they used a good photo," Happy commented.

Peter was sat at the dining table, swiping his hands over his tense features continuously. He was so stressed, especially after being interrogated last night.

Noah, who was sat right next to Peter, was also stressed out of his mind. But, he attempted to drift away from his stressful thoughts, trying to just stay calm and collected.

"What is happening?"

The firm and plastic tap of a white cane made the four glance up and even flinch a little.

It was Peter's counsel, a man named Matt Murdock. He was very intimidating to say the least. Also quite mysterious and interesting, too.

"Well, I have some good news." He informed. "I don't believe any of the charges against Peter are going to stick."

Peter straightened his posture, not expecting such an amazing response. He glanced over at Matt in slight disbelief, unsure if he was being serious or not.

"Wait, seriously?" He mumbled.

"Oh, I knew it!" May celebrated.

Both Happy and May seemed to be beaming about the response, the duo shooting very cheery smiles at Peter in order to celebrate as much as they possibly could.

"Oh my god, Mr. Murdock!" Peter exclaimed breathily. "That's amazing, thank you!"

Matt glanced between the four, giving them a small nod and shooting a slight smile in their direction.

"However, Noah, they might end up taking you in for even more questioning." He continued. "And, Mr. Hogan, the feds are actively investigating that missing technology."

Happy just glared at Matt in slight offence, his eyebrows furrowed together. He then placed his hand onto his chest, obviously disappointed.

Noah, on the other hand, almost groaned out of irritation. But, he quickly stopped himself from doing so, just glaring away instead.

"I, uh, understand your loyalty to Mr. Stark and his legacy." Matt told Happy, seeing his obvious expression. "But, if you were involved-"

"If I were involved?"

"I advise securing a lawyer,"

"I need a lawyer because I'm under investigation? I thought he said there would be no charges?" Happy uttered out of confusion. "I could say, uh, under my council, uh, I refused to answer the question respectfully, because the answer could incriminate me."

May then reached over to tap Happy on the arm, attempting to calm him down slightly in order to prevent him from ranting away any longer.

"I know that's what you think. But, calm down." She uttered. "Let's see what he has to say."

Happy paused his anxious ranting. He then looked over at Matt once again, the others doing so too.

"You're gonna need a really good lawyer,"

May made a cheery hand gesture, also shrugging as if she wasn't bothered. Happy and Noah, on the other hand, still seemed to be clearly offended.

"Peter, you may have dodged your legal troubles." Matt continued. "But, things will get much worse. There is still a court of public opinion."

Noah forced himself off the chair he was sat on, beginning to now pace around the entire living room out of pure stress.

"Everything will be fine, Noah. Don't worry," he began to mock, "they totally won't find out about your entire fucking life. We're here for you-"

Then, all of a sudden, a brick smashed throughout a window and right past Noah's lean figure, glass shattering onto the ground.

And within a flash, Matt instantly reached out and impressively caught the brick within his hands.

Peter had also reached out to grab it, but he was obviously way too late. He glared at Matt in concern, his mouth immediately growing agape.

Noah paused. He turned around to glare at Matt in pure confusion, surprised that the brick hadn't actually flown right into him and wiped him out.

May and Happy just stared at the scene in complete shock, both of them also as stunned as Peter and Noah was.

"Ooh, looks like you have some competition." Noah commented.

Peter glared over at Noah, shrugging his shoulders ever so slightly. He then looked back at Matt, slowly removing the brick from his hand.

"How did you just do that?" He questioned with a murmur.

"I'm a really good lawyer,"

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