xxxv. made-up names

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made-up names

CHAPTER XXXVmade-up names

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"PAINFUL, aren't they?"

Stephen shivered underneath his breath, attempting to ignore the unbelievable pain that he was feeling from these needles poking into his skin.

"They were originally designed for microsurgery." The alien explained. "And any one of them-"

Then, all of a sudden, Tony flew down. He landed behind the alien, only standing a few metres away from it at this point.

The pale alien heard the loud thud from Tony landing. It growled underneath it's breath, slowly turning it's head around.

Tony began to fire up his blasters, pointing them right at the petite alien. He stood in a defensive pose as well, prepared to attack at any given moment.

The thin alien didn't even react to Tony's sudden presence. He just stared, beginning to finish off his sentence, which was interrupted only seconds ago.

"Could end your friend's life in an instant."

"I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend." Tony stated. "Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy."

The Voldemort-looking alien didn't even have to lift it's hands in the air. It just lifted up some large structures with it's mind. Just like that.

"You've saved nothing." It firmly argued. "Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

Tony watched as the skinny alien brought up even more pieces of rubble and structures into the air.

"You cannot defeat me." The alien protested.

"Yeah. But, she can."

And with those firm words, Fiona flew in. She summoned a small portal, which led to outer space and was big enough for the alien to slip right through it.

The alien immediately flew through the sparking portal, unable to save itself before it got sucked in.

As the needles flew into the portal along with the alien, Stephen was about to get sucked in, too.

But, Peter was quick enough to shoot a web directly at the sorcerer. He was about to fall through the portal as well, gripping onto a piece of rubble before fully being sucked in.

"Miss Strange!" He yelped with struggle. "Please help!"

"I'm trying!" Fiona stated. "I'm not exactly the sorcerer supreme myself!"

As she spoke, she was attempting to close the portal over and over again, but nothing was working. Both Stephen and Noah were being sucked through.

Seeing that Fiona was struggling on closing the portal, Noah stepped in. His features and shoulders tense, he lifted his hands into the air, fingers twitching as he grasped onto both Stephen and Peter's energies.

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