Chapter 7

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Note: As I know Russian, I don't like the use of the title "moi soverenyi" for Alina in books, because that's masculine. It sounds really weird. So I decided to use the feminine version "moya soverena".

POV Alina

Alina was trying to breathe calmly, but she could feel how her palms had become wet. She looked at Aleksander, his face was as always calm and radiated confidence. He reached his hand to her and she put her hand on his. She knew that he could sense her worrying through their tether. But his touch worked like always, she felt familiar surety.

"Just relax," he said quiet enough that only she could hear.

"It's not this easy," she sighed.

Every gaze was on them. She was trying to hold her chin higher.

"Good evening, everyone. Tonight, we gathered you here to share our happiness with you. All of you are our family, so we wanted to tell a wonderful news. Today, Alina accepted my proposal to become my wife. So we will get married soon."

There was a victorious smile on his face. She tried to lift her chin and smile too when everybody was clapping. She met the gaze of Genya on the other side of the hall whose face was shining when she smiled.

She felt how Aleksander's lips touched her knuckles with a gentle kiss right beside the ring. His dark eyes were flickering with happiness. But something more was in his gaze, what she hadn't understood yet.

People started to congratulate them. Aleksander dropped her hand to shake hands of his Grisha. Alina was broken away from him by the hugs of her friends. First Genya, then Nadia. Fedyor gripped her in an embrace after he'd congratulated his General. Alina laughed. With her friends around she felt relaxed.

"Say that we will be your bridesmaids," chirruped Nadia and Genya clapped her hands with excitement.

"Oh... I've not thought about such things yet. But of course, you will," answered Alina. Girls chuckled and hugged her again.

Then Aleksander talked again and everybody was quiet.

"And from this day you should call Miss Starkov as Moya Soverena," he said. Alina's jaw fell to the ground when she heard his words. She turned her head and looked up at him, there was a proud look on his face.

She looked at the crowd in front of them. Zoya gave her a disgusted glower.

"Thank you for all your congratulations. We truly appreciate all your warm words." He snapped his fingers and servants brought champagne for everyone.

  "For the Shadow Summoner and the Sun Summoner," cheered all around.

            Alina quickly emptied her glass of champagne. She had a hope that it would calm down her nerves. Aleksander smirked looking at her.

            "One more?" he asked.

            "A bottle and better in your room. I'm tired of this crowd. It will be better if we celebrate alone," she replied to him.

            He grinned and took her hand.

            "As my future wife wishes," he led her through the hall to an entrance.

They crossed the empty corridors and stairs in silence, just smiling to each other. When they reached the war room, Alina finally relaxed.

"So I have one bottle of amazing champagne from Southern Colonies. Present from their ambassador on the Winter Fete last year," said Aleksander opening the cupboard.

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