Chapter 13

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Note: I can cry while writing. I cried when I wrote the end of the chapter, and more when I wrote the next one. Is it alright to cry because of your own imagination?

POV The Darkling

It was strange for him to miss someone. Like many emotions and feelings, this one was forbidden to him. He forbid himself to miss because he would miss so many. His long-gone friends or woman he loved.

But he was missing his Alina. The way she looked at him, how she laughed, how she talked about something with enthusiasm. And even her stubbornness.

He understood nothing would be the way it had been between them. But he wanted to hold her again, to feel her scent. Just to hear how she whispers - my Aleksander.

The coach stopped near the forest close to Chernast. He walked outside and felt the frozen air on his face. He needed to fresh his thought. So much of Alina on his mind.

«Moi soverenyi,» said some oprichnik.

Aleksander had sucked a deep breath before he said, «Go on, what is that?»

«I brought the message to Lieutenant Bohdan as you wished.»

Aleksander looked at the oprichnik, «And?»

«He was disappointed. He sent you the letter,» the oprichnik handed over the letter to Aleksander.

«Thank you,» replied Aleksander.

«You're welcome, sir. It was a pleasure.»

Aleksander raised his eyebrows, looking at the oprichnik. «It's your job.»

«Of course, sir. It was better than to be sent to the Fjerdan border.»

«To Fjerdan border?»

The oprichnik looked baffled. «Sorry, sir. I have met some of ours who were sent there.»

«I didn't send anyone there,» said Aleksander, narrowing his eyes.

«We met two on our way to Chernast,» oprichnik mumbled.


«I hadn't met them before. The girl was part Shu. It was strange,» he shook his head. Aleksander saw fear in him.

«And the other?»

«Ordinary boy,» he shrugged.

Aleksander chuckled. Clever Alina. She tricked everyone this time. His personal guards were feared, soldiers from First Army or common people would have never messed with them. Such a perfect disguise.

The oprichnik looked at Aleksander with no hidden astonishment.

«Not ordinary boy, no ordinary girl,» said Aleksander. He sighed. «Where did you see them?»

«In tavern. That was some village, the first after Petrazoi.»

«Hmm. So we are following the right path.»

«What path?» The oprichnik asked.

«What's your name?»

«Denis, Moi soverenyi,» he bowed. «Are they some impostors, sir? She said that she had guarded the Sun Summoner.»

Aleksander suppressed his laugh. Oh my Alina, you became so cunning.

«No,» Aleksander shook his head. «You are dismissed, Denis.»

Aleksander stepped closer to the forest, looking into it.

She must be somewhere close. You can't hide my Alina. You can't run from destiny.

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