Chapter 12

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POV The Darkling

Aleksander opened his eyes when the room was full of the bright morning sunshine. His hands searched for Alina's body beside him. When he found nothing, he called for her, «Alina.»

«Moi soverenyi,» said Ivan.

Aleksander turned around. He opened his eyes wide with an astonished look on his face.

«For Saint's sake, Ivan. What the hell are you doing here?» He cried out.

«I thought that something is wrong with you, sir,» the heartrender answered. He frowned.

«Why? I'm alright. Where is Alina?»

«She was not here when I entered the room. I'd checked heartbeats before. I came because you overslept departure for the trip.»

«What did I do?» Aleksander asked, confused. «What is time now?»

«It is nine o'clock, sir. We planned to leave at eight,» replied Ivan.

Aleksander blinked a few times to understand how he could oversleep something.

«Where is Alina?» He asked.

«I don't know, sir.»

Aleksander rose to his feet. He tried to remember how he had fallen asleep. They were kissing and then the gap. He looked at himself, still dressed in his clothes from the previous evening.

«Go to miss Starkov's room and say I want to see her. Now,» he commanded to Ivan.

Ivan bowed and left the room.

Aleksander had changed his clothes before Ivan returned. The heartrender looked troubled.

«Moi soverenyi, miss Starkov isn't in her room. And no one has seen her since yesterday evening. Her guards said that they left her when she came here,» said Ivan.

«What do you mean, Ivan?»

«She was not on the breakfast with others.»

«You want to say that the Sun Summoner is missing?» Aleksander asked.

«I don't know exactly... But it looks like that, sir,» Ivan replied.

Aleksander felt restless. The shadows started to rise. Ivan stepped back to the door.

«She could not leave the Palace. Find her! Now!» Aleksander said through his clenched teeth.

Ivan nodded and ran from his quarters.

Aleksander sucked a deep breath. Alina couldn't flee from me. She promised. She will never betray me.

He entered his study. When he came closer to his desk, he saw the envelope on it. It was signed For my A. He took the letter from it and read. He dropped it when he finished reading. The anger and disappointment overwhelmed him. She did that, she betrayed him. And there was nothing to stop him after that. So he should do what must be done.

Aleksander felt the weight of his chest making hurt to take a breath. He knew too much about pain, so many times he had gone through it. He had no sorrow, no grief. He couldn't allow emotions to take control over him. He sucked a deep breath and clenched his jaw.

She made her choice, so now I make mine.

Ivan came back with two oprichniki who had guarded Alina and an Alkemi girl.

«Moi soverenyi, oprichniki said that miss Starkov visited Alkemi laboratories last evening,» said Ivan.

«What did she take?» He asked an Alkemi. The girl looked scared.

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