Chapter 10

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POV The Darkling

Aleksander was staying in the center of his room, still confused about what had happened. He looked at the floor where were old Morozova's journals and broken glass. He took journals to put them away in their hiding place. He opened one of them, he remembered all these texts so well. Once he was obsessed with the ideas of his grandfather. Until this obsession turned against him, making him the greatest evil.

Everything has its price. And if you use merzost you need to pay.

And he paid. He sighed and put the journal to others. He looked at the melted lock and smiled. Oh, my clever Alina.

He entered the war room and saw Ivan there.

"What is that?

"Moi soverenyi," the heartrender bowed. "Everything is ready for tomorrow."

"Good. Ivan, I want more guards for Miss Starkov," said Aleksander.

"As you wish. Is there a threat for her life again?"

I'm worried that she can run from me.

"Not new. Old one. But I'm worried."

"I understand, General. And it will be worse after the wedding," said Ivan.

Aleksander raised his eyebrows as he said, "Ivan, you want to give me marriage advice, don't you?"

"Oh, I do not dare, General. But I have some experience. I saw Alina in the corridor, she was upset."

Aleksander sighed. He didn't have the desire to listen to Ivan's advice.

"She is a little bit nervous about our trip. She will be alright. But I want to ask you something.»

«I'm listening, moi sovereniy.»

«Find the letter from Duke Keramsov about Alina and bring it to her.»

«Will be done, General.» 

«And now I have to deal with something," Aleksander left the war room.

Once again he was standing before Baghra's hut doors. He came in without knocking. Baghra was in her usual place sitting in a chair near the fireplace.

"Why did you do that?" He asked without any preambles.

The old woman lifted her head and studied her son's face. "She has the right to know the truth. And I could not allow you to do what had been planned. I told you millions of times. You have never listened to me."

"I wanted to tell her myself. Not all at once. But you didn't tell her the truth only. You told her about my plans for the Fold, and that I had thought to kill the stag myself. The stag is her amplifier; I didn't need to force her. But most of all you asked her to run. Run from me. Did you completely lose your mind?" He tried to suppress his anger. But he felt like he could destroy the hut with one twist of his wrist.

"All I've ever wanted is to protect you. Even from yourself. I don't want you to destroy yourself. If you use the Fold as a weapon, that will be the end of you. I told you several times, that one day your greed will ruin you completely."

"Oh..," he gasped. "Again. Stop lecturing me, mother. I've been hearing this all my life." He rolled his eyes.

"But not listening," Baghra bit out.

"What should I listen to? That I should abandon my people and run away? I made this place to protect Grisha. And I won't stop till this world become safe for all of us."

"This is utopia. This world will never be safe for us completely. And most of all, never by fear," Baghra rose to her feet looking at her son.

"You taught me that fear is a powerful ally, and loyal," said Aleksander.

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