Chapter 16

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POV Alina

Despite the antlers on her neck, she felt comfortable wrapped in the warmness of his hands. Her head was resting on a pillow, his hand under her neck. She saw a red mark after the antler on his forearm. She smiled.

You deserved it.

Alina caressed his cheekbone with her knuckles. She thought about the previous night, about all he had told her about his past. Speaking with so much enthusiasm, he shared stories about his moments of happiness and sadness. She was amazed by his honesty when she felt how much he was happy to be finally free from his secrets. They had spoken about everything until they fall asleep.

His eyelids moved, and he opened his eyes. Confused by her smile, he frowned.

«Am I dreaming?» He asked.

«If only I am dreaming too,» she answered.

Aleksander smiled, caressing her cheek. He lifted himself a little to kiss her.

«Good morning,» she said against his lips.

«Good morning, my Alina,» he replied, his eyes shining with love. He settled himself on a pillow, tracing up and down her spine with his fingertips. «The best morning for weeks. But we should get up.»

She groaned, dissatisfied, rolling back to her side of the bed.

«I almost forget that I'm in love with the busiest man in this world.»

He sighed and sat up.

«You know, we are going to cross the Fold today,» he said.

Alina felt some strange anticipation. Something was wrong. Or she still couldn't trust him. She felt anxiety.

«Aleksander,» she said, placing her hand on his bare back. «Do you want to carry out your plans for the Fold?»

He turned his head to her so she could meet his gaze. It frightened her how much of his determination she felt through their bond at that moment. She took a shuttered breath.

«I need to deal with the West.»

There was a slight tremble in her voice, as she asked, «How?»

He lowered himself on top of her, one of his hands smoothing the hair back from her face.

«We have to do what must be done,» he said in a tender voice.

«The Fold,» she whispered and stifled. «No.... No»

«You said yesterday that Zlatan should pay for his deeds. They are traitors who wanted to kill you. That will be retribution.»

Alina pushed him away from her. She stood up from the bed, wrapping the blanket around her naked body.

«I agree he must die. But not innocent people in Novokribirsk. They are not traitors; they are our people too, like these who live in the East side of the Fold!» she shouted, taking on her robe.

He rose to his feet and started to take on his clothes. He wasn't looking at her, but she saw how his jaw clenched.

«I will never let you do that!» She yelled at him.

«Then tell me, Alina, what should I do?» He cried out, his expression was desperate.

She cast a glance at him, feeling hopeless. She thought about their conversation the previous evening.

«I don't know. But for sure not destroying a town,» Alina pleaded. She bypassed the bed to stand in front of him.

He spread his arms, as he said, «That's it. No one knows. But I need to protect our people.»

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