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It's about 8 A.M in the morning and Sebastian is on the floor sleeping with no shirt on. He jolted a bit hearing his phone ring and he slides his arm over grabbing the phone and looked at the contact on the phone. It's Echo as he answered it bringing the phone close to his ear.

Sebastian: "Hey, Echo. How you been?"

Echo: "Hey, dude. Tony wants us at our usual spot today. I think he wants to beat Mitch."

He sighed sitting up and he looks around to see his new clothes on the bed.

Sebastian: "This thing with Mitch and Tony competing with each other is getting kinda old."

Echo: "I know. But you know how Tony is, he doesn't give up until he wins."

Sebastian: "Yeah. How's Jordon, Cisco and Frostee else feeling about this?"

Echo: "Pretty tired of it. I mean we love Tony but I wish he can get over it."

Sebastian: "I agree."

He gets up off the ground looking outside and saw it's a sunny morning. He realized he needs to get gas for his bike so he'll take the bike today.

Echo: "Can I ask something?"

Sebastian: "Sure, what is it?"

Echo: "Why don't you invite us to your house? We been friends for along time."

Sebastian: "It's complicated. I'm not sure you guys will understand."

Echo: "Alright, fool. Mind picking me up a water bottle at the gas station?"

Sebastian: "Sure thing. See you then, Echo."

Echo: "See ya, S."

Echo hanged up and Sebastian closed his eyes cause he's keeping a big secret from his family. He wants to tell them but they wouldn't understand.

Zarathos: "If only they knew, huh?"

Sebastian: "Yeah."

Zarathos: "Do you have feelings for her?"

Sebastian: "Yeah. But I don't think she likes me more than a friend. If I told her what I was she and everyone else won't talk to me anymore."

Zarathos: "You need to reveal your secret someday, my friend."

Sebastian: "I just don't know when."

He then walks into the bathroom to take a quick shower, and he sees a new scratch mark on his chest from last night but it wasn't bleeding just a little pain when the water hit it.

Sebastian: "I thought you were supposed to guard my body from being hurt, Zara?"

Zarathos: "I'm a bounty hunter. Not a guardian angel."

Sebastian: "Touché"

He gets out of the shower drying himself off, then he puts his clothes on, went back to the bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair. Going down stairs he grabbed his gloves and keys before walking out and locking the door.

He gets on his bike putting on his gloves and starts the engine of the bike. He puts the leg up before he starts driving to a close gas station.

After getting gas he got Echo water and got some other things for his friends like yoka for Frostee, water and gum for Cisco, another water for Tony, and Doritos and Fanta for Jordon. Sebastian has monster coffee and water. Sebastian puts the bag under his seat and drove to the spot where his friends and him meet.

Five minutes later

Sebastian arrives at the spot to see a red Maserati and his friend Jordon is sitting on it. He pulls up in front of it parking his bike and grabbing the back under his seat and walked over to him carrying the bag. He looks at Jordon to see that he's on his phone and eating Doritos and drink Fanta.

Sebastian: "Are you serious?"

Jordon looked up to see Sebastian holding a gas station bag.

Jordon: "What?"

Sebastian: "Could've told me you went to get yourself a drink and a snack, cause I bought you the same things."

Jordon: "Oh, sorry I didn't know. I'll have them later then."

Sebastian took out the two things out of the bag for Jordon and he puts it in his car for later.

Jordon: "Heard about news today?"

Sebastian: "No. What happened?"

Jordon: "The Ghost Rider. He struck again at a warehouse. There was this guy who robbed a lady and the ghost rider came out of nowhere and dealt with him. But it didn't kill the man just did something to his eyes."

Sebastian: "I see."

Jordon: "What do you think of it?"

Sebastian: "Honestly, I believe it did the right thing. It didn't kill the man but let the robber see what he did wrong and has to suffer with it for awhile. What about you?"

Jordon: "I agree too."

Sebastian nodded and then they heard car pulled up from behind them. They looked over to see Echo getting out of her car. Walking up to them with he hands in her pocket.

Jordon: "Hey, Echo."

Echo: "Wassup. What you guys been talking about?"

Sebastian: "About the Ghost Rider that struck last night."

Echo: "What happened?"

Jordon: "This guy tried robbing this lady in a warehouse but the ghost rider came and handled him."

Echo: "What do you mean by handle?"

Sebastian: "The guy is still alive, but the Rider did something to his eyes and made him suffer the memories of the people he messed with before feeling their pain."

Echo: "Serves him right."

She sits next to Jordon and Sebastian brought out a bottle of water from the bag and gave it to her.

Echo: "Thanks."

Sebastian: "No problem."

Jordon: "Sebastian, what do you do when it's night?"

Sebastian: "Nothing much. Why'd you ask?"

Jordon: "Think we can visit tonight?"

Sebastian: "Sorry, but no."

Jordon: "Why not? We've been friends for how long and we never seen the inside of your house."

Sebastian: "It's complicated, alright. I got my reasons."

Echo: "I ask him the same question earlier too."

Sebastian: "Look, I would love you all to visit but I have a lot a books around the house that you guys might think I'm crazy."

Echo: "Your always crazy."

Echo and Jordon chuckled at that making Sebastian roll his eyes but smiled.

Jordon: "That's the truth."

Sebastian: "I meant crazier."

After a bit of talking to each other they heard another vehicle behind Echo's car. They turned to see that it's Cisco and Frostee.

Frostee: "Hey, y'all!"

Jordon: "Wassup, Frost."

Sebastian: "Hey, kiddo."

Echo: "Hi."

Cisco: "Hey, where's Tony?"

Jordon: "Still waiting for him like always."

Sebastian gets a text as he looks to see it's from Tony and it said 'I'll be there in twenty minutes.

Sebastian: "He texted and said that he won't be here till twenty minutes."

Frostee: "Well I guess we can play a game."

Everyone: "Sure."

Fast & Furious Spy Racers: The RiderWhere stories live. Discover now