Chapter V: Jealous Wolf

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When Kol and I got to the bakery, he looked around as I unlocked the door, letting him in as I went to turn the alarm off. Kol relocked the door glancing at me.

"What's the code, darlin'? Is it my birthday?" He said with a smirk. I let out a laugh, shaking my head.

"It's 0419." I told him, turning to see his reaction. His face dropped into thought before it came together.

"You never forgot your Death Day.." Kol's lips twitched into a smile before laughing. "Don't tell Nik, I want too!" Kol said excited. I let out a laugh before moving to the kitchen. Kol followed behind me quickly. "So what are we baking?" He questioned, watching as I started to gather some things. Placing the apples on the counter next to him, I smiled.

"Apple Pie Enchiladas?" I offered. Kol nodded with a huge grin. He loved apple pie and whenever I made anything to do with it he was like a child in excitement. Kol opened a drawer and grabbed the peeler, getting to work on peeling the apples for me as I got to work on the pastry crust.  I waited a bit before speaking. "Do you think Nik is mad at me?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the pastry mixture. I felt Kol looking at me.

"Why would he mad?" I looked up at him, sighing.

"The whole Kai thing. I want to feel guilty about it- but it's like my mind won't let me be. And with how he acted.." I trailed off, pulling the dough from the bowl and rolling it out thinly.

"Nik.. He's a jealous wolf. He was already on edge on sharing you with us." Kol started with a huff. "If Kai is your-" He took a deep breath, as if preparing himself for the word. "Soulmate. He'll have to deal with." I glanced at him after placing the butter cubes on the dough.

"Are you? Just dealing with it?" I questioned. Not sure if I actually wanted to know. Kol looked at me, sighing.

"It's hard." He admitted. "To share the one person that I have been waiting for, for a very long time. But-" He placed the last apple down, walking over to me. His arms wrapping around me tightly. His lips pressing to my forehead. "I want you happy. And if this other guy is going to help with that- then I'm okay with it." He said softly. I smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him, but he stopped me. "But don't forget about me, okay?" He said, his hands on my cheeks as he stared into my eyes.

"I could never even dream about it." I told him honestly. Kol smiled, pulling my face to meet him halfway in a kiss. My hands wrapped around his waist, holding him close as I kiss him back. "Kol-" I tried, but he shook his head, holding my cheeks as he kept kissing me. "Kol." I tried again, but he kept going, sucking on my bottom lip as his hand weaved into my hair. My fingers went to his sides before twitching just the slightest. A small laugh burst through his lips forcing him to pull back. The pout he sent me made me laugh lightly. "I need to make the dough before the butter melts." I told him, pointing to the dough that only had one round of butter on it. Kol shook his head.

"That looks fine though!" He whined.

"So you don't want it to be flaky?" I questioned. He looked to be thinking about it before he let out a sigh.

"Fine." I laughed as I let out a yawn. I had felt like I had little to no sleep since I was awake in a different world when I did go to sleep. Kol noticed right away. "I'll go make you some coffee, Darlin'." He told me, kissing my temple before moving away from me and to the front of the store where the coffee machine was. I turned back to the dough, folding the dough before rolling it out again. I had done another round of butter cubes by the time Kol returned with my coffee in my own personal mug. It literally said, 'kiss the baker'. A cute novelty that Finn got me. It was silly, but perfect for a good cup of coffee. Kol didn't even ask me what to do, moving to quarter the apples, removing the cores as he did. I smiled over at him before taking a sip of my coffee, feeling the warmth spread through me and a small hint of chocolate in it. Kol remembered that I like a melt cube of chocolate in my coffee. They all thought it was weird, but I hated the normal bitterness of it otherwise.

We returned to our duties, my dough went into the fridge to reharden the butter as I made the homemade caramel and then the mixture for the apples. By the time the Enchiladas were in in the oven, it was nearly time to open up.

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