Chapter XV: The Past Unlocked

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3rd POV-

"Do they suspect anything?" Paul sat in the bakery across from 'Frankie'. Coffee in hands.

"Of course they don't. They all believe everything is fine with their special little mate. Klaus is like putty in my hands and the others can't see past their love for her." Frankie laughed, sipping her coffee.

"Good- I can't let all this work go into the drain. Harry may have failed at his job- but Esther trusted me to complete it." Paul told her, lifting his hand up to see the wrinkles spreading on his skin slowly. "The spell she had placed is fading. I don't have much time before they know I'm not some new guy who is lonely." He muttered, rubbing his fingers over his hand. Frankie stared at his hand, huffing in slight disgust.

"At least you get to stay around. I'm fighting her the whole time on having control. But that stuff you've been putting in her coffee has been helping I think." She smirked, "Like taking full control from a child." She laughed. Paul rolled his eyes.

"I was lucky. I always told her not to leave open drinks near strangers- She never was one to listen." Paul huffed. He sounded like an older man scolding a child for misbehaving. Or even an old man complaining about annoying children. "Have you heard from Eliza? Or is she still 'working with the Mikaelsons'?" Paul questioned Frankie. Frankie let out an unattractive snort.

"They are all so stupid. What witch would willingly help vampires? Are they really that idiotic?" Frankie laughed.

"She's the only one who can contact Esther. We need to finish this. Complete the transfer and bring her back after." Paul told her sternly. "Have you any luck yet?" Frankie smiled, placing her hand on her stomach.

"And I didn't even have to do anything. It was already there waiting for me." She muttered, a smile on her face but the tone of her voice was of disgust.

From the window- Kol and Finn were watching. Both shocked and disbelieving.


Frankie's POV-

"So how do we do this?" I questioned. We sat in the backseat of the car, facing each other comfortably. Kai smirked at me, probably excited to build up more of a magic stash.

"I place my hands on your head and pull what magic I can find."

"And how do I know you won't take more than that?" I asked him, not knowing if I could trust him yet. Kai frowned, not realizing I hadn't trust him. I knew that look. He had felt the pain in his chest. He leaned over, not hesitating at all as he captured my lips with his. I was shocked at first, and then I leaned in as well. His hands moved to my head, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss. I could feel he had started to siphone from me. The pleasure running through me as he took what he could from me. The pleasure was there and then I was thrown into memories.

990 AD-

Frankie ran around outside her home, watching as her father was gathering firewood before her eyes were pulled to something else more interesting. Two boys- probably only ten or so years older than herself were playing with rocks. Frankie grinned, feeling a pull to run over to them.

"Hi! My name is Francesca Kernly." She greeted in her tiny voice. She was very brave for a five year old, and even more trusting. The boys looked up at her from the rocks on the ground. A huge smile spreading across both of their faces.

"Hello, my name is Finn Mikaelson and this is my brother Elijah." Finn greeted for them both. Frankie smiled at him.

"Can I play with you?"

"Su-" Elijah was interrupted though as a woman came over to them.

"Boys! Your father needs you both to help him with the firewood." She told them, a glare on her face when she looked to Frankie. "You stay away from my boys." She told little Frankie sternly. What Frankie didn't know was that this woman knew who she was. What she was to her sons. But her oldest son was already in line to marry the girl in their village, bringing them enough wealth to live happily for a while.


I blinked a few times, trying to collect my thoughts as Kai pulled away from me. The warmth leaving my body with him. My stomach dropping into what felt like a tub of ice.

"She didn't.." Kai stared at me as I looked at my hands in confusion.

"Who? Frankie? What happened? What did you see?" He asked in slight concern.

"I knew them before- I- I believe Esther blocked my memories and theirs as well.."

"Who is Esther?" Kai questioned, not knowing what was going on.

"Their mother."

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