Chapter XVII: Ours

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3rd POV-

Frankie stood up, startling Paul.

"They know." She announced as she glanced up to see Finn and Kol standing in the doorway, Kol waving his copy of the key in his hand.

"Leaving so soon?" Kol questioned. Paul stood up quickly to stand near Frankie. Finn growling at him.

"If you hurt me- you hurt Frankie." Frankie told them. Finn glanced at her and then back to Paul.

"But I only plan to kill him." He snarled, about to pounce when Paul grabbed a knife off the table. Finn paused to see he was holding it to Frankie's chest in a threatening way.

"A simple knife won't kill an original vampire, you ugly monkey." Kol laughed, but Finn was frozen. He knew what was about to happen.

"Ahh but it will kill the unborn child-" Paul taunted, moving the knife to her stomach. "Wouldn't want that, would you?" Kol's body froze next to Finn, ice running through his veins as he stared at the knife pointed over Frankie's flat stomach.

"How do we know she is actually pregnant?" Finn asked. Paul smirked.

"Do you really want to find out this way? Listen." Everyone went silent, listening carefully. The fast thudding of a heartbeat echoing into the air for only Kol and Finn to hear.

"How is that even possible? The last person she was with-" Kol started.

"Wasn't that long ago? Vampires bare a child for shorter than a human. Thank god for that. Vampire baby's are the absolute worse." Frankie explained, rolling her eyes. Her hand on the hilt of the knife in Pauls hand, pressing it into her stomach slightly. Fresh blood pooling around it.

"No!" Finn exclaimed, stepping forward slightly. Frankie paused, a crazed look on her face.

"I'd say this child is about a month along in human time. We need it to be a bit bigger. Let us both go and I won't do anything to your soulmates body." Frankie told them. Kol and Finn shared a look as Frankie started to push on the knife again.

"Fine!" Kol jumped. His eyes on the wound over Frankie's stomach. He felt sick watching Frankie get hurt. Within seconds, Paul dropped to the ground, Elijah standing behind him with his heart in his hand. Blood dripping to the tiled flooring as Niklaus stood next to Frankie, hand over hers and removing the knife from her hand.

"I rather think not." Elijah mumbled, dropping the heart to the ground. Frankie's eyes were wide at the sight of Paul's dead body.

"She won't come back. This is all a big mistake on your part." Frankie tried to say. Nik let out a growl, grabbing her head and twisting it quickly. Frankie falling into Elijah's arms.

"How do you know that didn't harm the baby?" Kol asked, his eyes wide in shock.

"I don't." Nik mumbled, listening carefully, the soft thudding of the baby's heartbeat filling their ears. "But it clearly didn't." Finn ran over to Nik, shoving a fork into his neck.

"Don't ever, risk Frankie or the baby's life again. Do we understand each other?" He growled. Nik grunted, removing the fork.

"It's not like it's yours." He snarled back.

"The baby belongs to all of us. Even if it is from Elijah." Kol stated, glancing to Elijah who was lifting Frankie up and cradling her close to his body. His eyes on her stomach.


Frankie's POV-

I sat up a scream leaving my lips as a pain ran through my stomach. Kai sat up next to me quickly.

"What is it!? What's wrong?" He asked, his eyes looking over me and stopping on the blood pooling at my stomach. "What- how?"

"Something happened to my body in the real world-" I slowly lift my shirt up, examining the wound on my stomach. "Why stab my stomach?" Kai lightly touched the wound, blood getting on his fingers.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked. His eyes hard and confused. I let out a harsh breath.

"I can't be- How would it be possible??" I questioned, my hand moving to press against my stomach. The feeling of movement startling me. "I-" I brought my line of sight up to meet Kai's frantic ones.

"Someone is trying to use your unborn child- we need to get out of here." Kai muttered, standing up and grabbing his clothes. "Change of plans, babe- we're going to Portland, Oregon." I furrowed my brows at him, confused.

"What's in Portland?" I questioned him. He reached into his jacket pocket pulling out a device.

"Some Bennett blood and the perfect spot to use this. We just need a spell." He explained as I got dress, following him to the car.

"How do we get the spell?" Kai pursed his lips, looking back at me.

"Hopefully we can find it at my house."

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