Chapter VIII: Catching Feelings

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Kol and I finished the cake pretty quickly. I was really proud of Kol though. He did most of the work since I couldn't stop yawning.

"Let's get you home, maybe Henrik has returned with information

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"Let's get you home, maybe Henrik has returned with information." Kol said as he finished boxing the cake up and placing it into the cooler. I nodded as I moved to grab the trash bag to take it out, but Kol grabbed it from me and handed me the keys to the car. "I've got the lock up, you go sit in the car." He told me sternly, leaning down  and pressing his lips to my forehead gently. I offered him a tired smile, nodding with a short sigh.

I waisted no time to leaving the bakery, grabbing the tarts I had placed into the cooler and getting into the car. Leaning my head on the window as I waited for Kol to come out and drive us home. I didn't really drive that much since becoming a vampire. I always had one of my mates with me and Elijah said something about it being a gentlemenly thing to do. He's too noble for his own good. I was actually working on getting some normal clothes into his wardrobe, which surprisingly he hasn't noticed the odd shirts and jeans popping into his closet yet.

My eyes closed as my breathing slowed. The exhaustion taking over as I opened my eyes and saw Kai sitting in front of me. His face was a lot calmer than it was when I last saw him.

"You've got to stop doing that. You've been gone all day." He complained like a child. I let out a sigh, standing up. My clothes were what I wore to the bakery, so that was a sign that I was in real world time. "How do you do that? You're a vampire, not a witch. Yet you disappear like you're not really he- Ooo you're not here, are you?" He kept talking as he stood up as well, stepping towards me as I looked around for a moment. The moment his hand touched my shoulder, turning me around, I jerked my shoulder out of his grip quickly. The warmth and tingling spreading quickly before I reacted. Kai narrowed his eyes looking at his hand. "I need this explained as well." He told me, holding his hand up, palm facing me.

"I- I can't explain that. But I'm not here. I'm sleeping- or I wish I was." I said with a sigh. I walked away from him, heading towards the kitchen and pulling cabinets open.

"What are you doing? And what do you mean you can't explain that? I think you know." Kai came over and leaned against the counter, blocking my path. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "And you wish you were sleeping? I can help with that? Although- is Dead the same thing as sleeping? I flunked out of Biology...or was that chemistry?" He questioned. "Either way- I flunked it."

"Would you shut up!" I snapped at him. My brain was trying to understand what was going on, trying to figure out if the feeling he gave me was real or not. Was Kai Parker my sixth soulmate? Or was someone touching my sleeping body right when he did? Make Kol touched my shoulder when Kai did and thats what I felt.. Or maybe I'm just crazy and this really is all a dream.

"Ooo someone's grumpy. Not sleep enough?" Kai mocked, crossing his arms as I ignored him and pulled out flour and sugar and such. "Are you baking? Who bakes randomly like this?" He questioned, his eyes watching me as I moved.

"I bake when I'm stressed." I muttered.

"Why are you stressed?" He asked, and it almost seemed like he cared, but then he let out a huff of air followed by a laugh. "Wow- that was odd. My brain is malfunctioning or something. It's almost like it's running on Dial up or something." He tried to joke to hide his near-feelings. "Get it? Dial up? Because-"

"Because you're almost as annoying as the beeping it makes. Yeah. I get it." I interrupted him. Kai narrowed his eyes at me, grabbing my hand as I went to grab a bowl. The red glow engulfing our hands as pleasure built up in me. The warmth spreading like a bonfire gone array. My eyes burning into his as he stared back at me in a mix of what seemed to be anger, confusion and need. A small breathy sound left my lips as I tried to pull away. Trying to keep the sounds in my throat back.

"Watch how you talk to me." Kai mumbled, releasing my hand quickly as if I had burned him. A whine leaving my lips as I clear my throat to try and hide it. "What is that?" I ignored him, pouring some things into the mixing bowl I had grabbed. Kai's eyes on me as I grabbed a wooden spoon, mixing things up. "You know something. It's obvious you are hiding something from me." He spoke lowly. I hadn't noticed he was standing so close to me, his chest was hovering over my back, his hands on either side of me on the counter. He lowered his face near my ear, breathing lightly tickling my ear. "What do you know?" He whispered into my ear.

My breath caught in my throat, goosebumps spreading across my skin. The heat from his body radiating into my own.

"Why- how is it that you make me feel this?" He questioned. Kai grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to turn around and face him. His brown eyes burning through my own. "I don't feel things. But yet here I am, not wanting to stab you." He narrowed his eyes as he stared at me, his eyes glancing down to my lips for a moment before looking back up to my eyes. "I need answers." He whispered, leaning towards me.


I jolted forward, my eyes snapping open as I look around alert. I was back in the mansion. Kol was in front of me, a look of worry painted into his eyes. Elijah and Henrik looked over from where they stood with a witch, Eliza, I believe her name is. Nik and Finn flashed over to me quickly.

"Are you okay, love?" Nik asked raising his hand to cup my cheek gently. I looked at him and nodded, letting out a breath as I leaned into his touch.

"I'm alright."

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