Chapter VII: Berrys

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Kol walked into the kitchen as I was preparing the dough for the crusts, his arms sliding around my waist before his nose nuzzled into my neck. His lips leaving small wet kisses along the column of my neck before his tongue slid over a sweet spot cause me to moan, leaning into his chest slightly. His hips pressed into me, pushing me into the counter a bit. A gasp breaking through my lips as I felt his fangs graze against my skin.

"Kol!" I gasped, turning my body in his grip. "What are you doing?" I questioned him as he looked at me. His hair had gotten a bit longer I noticed as it hung over his forehead. Kol leaned his forehead to mine.

"Just testing the boundaries." Kol mumbled. He reached around me, grabbing something before bringing it to my lips. Glancing down I saw a strawberry, my lips parting as I leaned closer, taking a bite slowly. My eyes stayed on Kol's heated brown eyes. His thumb came up, lightly rubbing my bottom lip of some juice from the fruit, my tongue darting out to lick it clean before he could take it away. His eyes darkening as I wrapped my lips around his thumb, sucking on it softly. Kol let out a husky groan as I released his thumb and licked my lips of any other reminisce of the fruit. "I really like Berrys." Kol said with a small smile. I let out a small laugh, shaking my head.

"Strawberry's are not berry's, Kol." He looked at me confused before I went to explain. "A berry has seeds on the inside. A banana is more of a berry than a strawberry. Hell, Watermelons and Pumpkins are berry's as well." Kol stared at me with a very defined look. "What?" I asked him, noticing his eyes were glowing with emotions.

"Nothing, darlin'." He said, shaking his head with a smile. I pouted at him, knowing there was something he wanted to say. " It's just- I love you, Frankie." He finally said. Kol hadn't ever actually said that before. It was always intended with every kiss and hug. But the words had never come out of his mouth. The only one of my soulmates, come to think of it, that had said it, was Niklaus. My heart felt so full as I stared at Kol.

"I love you, Kol." I whispered softly, leaning up and kissing him gently. Kol smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer as he kissed me back. Only parting when I heard the bell on the door ring. Kol let out a sigh as I moved around him to walk out of the kitchen. Matt Donovan was there. "Oh- Hi Matt. What can I do for you?" I asked as I went to the counter, Kol stepping out to check who was here.

"I was wanting to place an order." He started, I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable. But I didn't know if it was from Kol or me. "My mom came home- again. And I was thinking a cake?" He questioned, adjusting his jacket in nerves.

"Sure- What's her favorite?" I asked him as I pulled out an order sheet and pen. Matt looked to be thinking before letting out a sigh with an embarrassed smile.

"I honestly have no idea." He admitted, to which Kol snorted, crossing his arms with a raised eyebrow. I turned slightly to give Kol a look before turning back to Matt.

"That's alright. Um- How about a favorite candy bar? Fruit? Anything I can go off of?" I tried. Matt looked to think before nodding with a smile.

"She likes Snickers." He told me with confidence. I clicked the pen, nodding.

"I can work with that." I told him. "I can make a snickers cake." I explained, bringing a grin to his face as Kol came over to me.

"You can do that?" Matt asked. Kol let out a laugh.

"Of course she can. Frankie can make just about anything." He told him as his arms wrapped around my waist from behind. I rolled my eyes writing down what I would need.

"You said, for tomorrow? What time would you be picking up?" I questioned as I held the pen over the notepad, raising the back of my hand to my mouth to muffle my yawn. Kol's eyes on me from the side.

"I can pick up on my lunch, if that's alright?" I nodded, writing down the noon time.

"Okay! So payment is due when you pick up and I'll have it ready for ya!" I told him as I passed Kol the notepad as he lifted my coffee mug to me. Accepting it happily as Matt smiled, nodding.

"Thanks, Frankie. I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded, sipping my coffee as he left.

"You should close up early, Frankie." Kol told me sternly. I shook my head.

"I should bake that cake now." I told him, hugging my coffee mug in my hands. Kol shook his head back at me, moving to the front door and locking it, followed by flipping the sign. "Kooool." I whined, but he grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen.

"Come on- I'll help you with the cake before we leave." He offered. I smiled, kissing him softly on the lips before we got to work.

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