Chapter XII: Past

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Back at the house, Nik had me sat on the couch, a small flashlight moving between my eyes.

"Nik- this seems like a bit much.." I told him as he leaned closer to me. Kol and Henrik were sat talking to Eliza and Bonnie. Trying to decipher what the ancestors were talking about with the unnatural entity being here. Elijah and Finn were sat on either side of me, watching their younger brother.

"You said you don't remember waking up this morning. You lost about six hours of your day... thats not normal." Finn mentioned, his hand on my back.

"Maybe I was just sleep-walking?" I offered. Nik raised his eyebrow at me, disbelief in his eyes.

"Maybe it's that Parker guy. He's a warlock..right?" Nik tried. I glared at him. A pang of pain running through my chest. All eyes were on me. Kol and Henrik walking over to us.

"What was that? Did he do something to you?" Henrik asked, his voice holding anger.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I questioned, Elijah grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"You had a pain in your chest- I- we felt it." My eyes widen at that. They could feel it? I moved my eyes around, seeing they all looked as if they had felt it, except for Finn.

"The bond.." I breathed. Finn was the only one I hadn't completed the bond with yet. He looked hurt that he was the only one who was confused.

"What did he do, Frankie." Kol questioned- more so stated lowly. His voice sounded strained, like he was holding back.

"It was nothing-" Elijah turned me back to him, his eyes darker.

"Don't lie." He demanded, "Not to us. Not for him." I closed my eyes, sighing.

"He didn't believe me. I told him he was my final soulmate and he didn't believe me." I told them, not opening my eyes. I heard a growl in front of me.

"That ignorant punk!" Nik snarled out. I opened my eyes to see his yellow eyes flashing- veins moving under his eyes and fangs extended. He held a deadly look in his eyes. I gently placed my hand on his face, my thumb moving over the veins under his eyes. His yellow eyes looking back at me as they slowly faded back into his softened blue eyes.

"It's okay, Nik." I told him softly. My chest was hurting thinking about how Kai had reacted, but I understood where he was coming from. "He had a hard life- he had every right to think I was lying."

"What kind of hard life could he have to think you were lying?! Didn't he feel the bond?" Kol asked, his voice getting louder as he paced back and forth behind Nik.

"He thought I was having a witch perform a spell." I said in a low voice. Kol snapped his eyes up to stare at me in disbelief.

"He accused you of having a witch spell him!?" He snapped. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Can we change the subject?" I questioned seeing Nik get up and pace with Kol. They were so similar sometimes, it was freaky. I looked over to see Bonnie and Eliza not talking to each other anymore and walking over. "Do we know what was brought here?" I asked, looking between the two witches. Bonnie sighed, shaking her head.

"I keep hearing things about a woman- someone from the past or something. But the Ancestors are not making any sense right now." Bonnie explained. Nik growled.

"Mother?" He questioned. I looked at him.

"You think this could be Esther?"

"What other woman from the past would be coming here now?" He questioned. I looked to Elijah and Finn who both seemed to be in deep thought, trying to figure out who else it could be.

"So we are just going to assume it's Esther?" I questioned, moving to get out from between Finn and Elijah as I stood up. "What if it's not Esther? What if it's somebody else?"

"Who else could it be?" Finn questioned, looking at me. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe someone from one of my past lives or yours- but Esther was a vampire when she could she come back to life?"

"She would have a witch helping her." Kol pipped up. I rolled my eyes. I didn't think it was Esther running this. Call it a gut feeling, or whatever. I turned around, facing Bonnie for a moment, about to ask her something when my vision went blurry. My head spinning. Finn flashed over to me, his hands on my hips to steady me. The feeling of standing up too fast hitting me. Closing my eyes as my vision seemed to be flashing between worlds. Like a glitch flashing in my eyesight when I opened my eyes. Finn stood in front of me and then- he was gone.

Looking around, I was back at my parents home- in the prison world.

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