Chapter XXI: Cemetery

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3rd POV-

"Are you sure that tracking spell was accurate?" Kol muttered, following his brothers and Kai to the cemetery. Kai turned to him, a glare secure on his face. Kol raised his hands in surrender.

"Kol's right. Why would Aurora come to a cemetery?" Nik muttered, annoyed he was following the siphoner.

"How would I know? I just did a spell and it led me here. You could have had BonBon or Henry do the spell." Kai told him a they walked.

"It's Henrik."

"Nah- I like Henry better." Kai corrected with a smirk. Henrik rolled his eyes. "She should be in there." Kai said, pointing towards a crypt. Elijah furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the crypt they stood in front of.

"This isn't good." He muttered, walking forward to the door and walking in. The others following behind him. Candles lit all around as the door to the crypt slammed shut behind them.

"What is this?!" Nik snapped, moving to open the door only for it to burn his hand. "Witches." He growled out. Nik stepped back letting Kai check out the door. The door burning him just as it did Nik. "Why did it burn you? You're a warlock-" Kai let out a sigh.

"Before I left the prison world..Frankie wanted to make sure I would be safe." Kai explained. Finn stared at him shocked.

"But how would you complete the transition there??? You two were the only ones there."

"I had time when I got here." Kai shrugged. Nik sighed.

"She really cares about you." He muttered. Kai glanced at Nik, a ghost of a smile appearing some what. Henrik pushed them both out of the way, testing to see if he could open the door. It didn't burn him, but it wouldn't budge.

"It won't work." They all turned around to see Aurora standing there in Frankie's body. Esther appearing next to her.

"Mother." Elijah muttered, his tone full of disgust. "How are you here?" Esther smiled at her older son, before glancing to the rest.

"I'm not here- just a spirit waiting for the big sacrifice so I can walk again. With Aurora's help of course." Kai kept quiet, standing in the back with his eyes focused on Frankie.

"What sacrifice? Mother is becoming ridiculous." Nik spoke up, his annoyance becoming clear. Esther held a stake in her hand, a smile on her face.

"A sacrifice to stop you all, of course. Kill the one thing you all have in common and down you fall. Leaving me with just one child to take care of." Elijah stepped closer, his eyes on his mother as Finn glanced at the stake in her hand. The silvery glitter it created alerting his mind. His heart dropping as he noticed what it was.

"No. You can't do this." Finn spoke, his brothers and Kai glancing at him before looking back to what his eyesight was on. The gleam of metal catching their eyes. Nik flashed towards them, bouncing off of the invisible barrier that was wrapped around them.

"Mother." Nik growled out, his eyes flashing between colors as his eyes stayed on his mother. Kai stepped forward, his hands pressing to the barrier glowing a bright red.

"You think I didn't think of this? By the time you get the barrier down, Frankie will be dead. The unborn child in her stomach will be the perfect sacrifice to bring me back." Kol ran at her, bouncing off the barrier in a fit of rage and panic. Henrik stepping forward to try and help, but he had nothing. Nik and Finn both looked lost. Not knowing what to do. Their mate they had been waiting for being at risk and they could not step in to help.

"If you think that you won't die the moment we get our hands on you- you are wrong." Elijah spoke. "All of this- for nothing." Esther let out a laugh.

"But you see my dear boy, this won't be for nothing. You will all be driven to off yourselves for me. Losing a mate is the hardest thing. I would know." He eyes moved to Nik. "Ansel was my soulmate. When Mikael found out- he killed him." Esther explained, her voice becoming small.

"SO YOU THINK KILLING OUR MATE WILL HELP?! Ansel is dead. That's on you. Not us." Nik snarled. His eyes returning to the blue color before going back to yellow when his mother raised the shiny stake. "Don't do this." He begged. Niklaus dropped to his knees, eyes locked on his mother with tears flooding them. "Please." Slowly, Elijah dropped to his knees next to his brother. Tears swarming his vision as he saw his mother threatening his one chance of happiness.

"I'm sorry. This has to be done. You all are not supposed to be here." Esther spoke calmly, her eyes filled with unshed tears as she swung the stake, slamming it through Frankie's heart right as Aurora blinked a few times. Her eyes widening as if she had no idea what was happening. A ringing sound echoing through the air as if a bomb had gone off. The sounds of Nik and Kol screaming being drowned out by the ringing. Finn flashing to the barrier and slamming his fists against it hard, trying to break through to get to her. Right then, the barrier dropped. Kai let out harsh breath as he touched under his eyes. Water leaking from his eyes and leaving him confused.

Elijah ran at Esther, his hand thrusting through her as her spirit faded out. Elijah falling to the ground from the zero impact. Finn rushed through, grabbing Frankie as she fell to the ground. Veins running along her body as her eyes looked at him. The light in them fading out as a single tear slides out. Her body left grey. Henrik and Kai both stood to the side, not knowing what to do as they let the tears fall. Kol choking down the sobs that were trying to rake through him. Nik letting out screams of agony.

The world falling silent as the Mikaelson's and Kai both lost their one true love. Their Soulmate. Their Frankie.

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