Chapter VI: The New Guy

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Kol had ended up opening shop for me, before running to the bank for me. I swear he made things so much easier for me. They all did. I brought out the boxed cake that Elena was picking up for Bonnie's birthday. Opening the box to show her the cake inside.

"Oh wow- that looks delicious." Elena said in her breathy tone.

"The Turtle Chocolate is her favorite, I only really make it for Bonnie, you know

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"The Turtle Chocolate is her favorite, I only really make it for Bonnie, you know." I told her with a soft smile. "How is she doing? Any progress?" Elena sighed, shaking her head.

"I'm just happy she's letting Care and me in finally." I sighed, nodding. Bonnie was still cutting herself off from so many people. I didn't blame her though, but at least she was showing some progress. "Stefan misses you.. You should-" I shook my head, interrupting her.

"If Stefan comes around me then Damon is sure to follow." I told her simply. She made a face since she was dating Damon now. Rumor was that he had a sire bond with her.

"Are you ever going to forgive him?" I looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"For ripping my fathers throat out in front of me? I did. But that doesn't mean I can ever forget." I told her sternly. "Now, stay out of what isn't your business. You can't fix everything." I told her, ringing up the cake before moving to grab a few extra things. "This Raspberry lemon cupcake is for Care and you have a Strawberry Crunch cupcake in this one." I told her, my expression changing completely as I threw a wink at her and she smiled back, paying for the birthday cake.

" I told her, my expression changing completely as I threw a wink at her and she smiled back, paying for the birthday cake

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"Oh my god, that's my favorite." Elena said happily. I grinned as I took her money and bagged up the boxes for her. The bell on the door ringing as she went to leave.

"Tell Bonnie- tell her Happy birthday for me, okay?" I yelled after her in which she shared a sympathy look before nodding and leaving with her bags.

"Well it smells good in here everyday. Doesn't it?" I looked up to see Paul from yesterday in front of me. I smiled at him.

"Apple Pie Enchiladas. They make the whole shop smell like fall." I told him with a grin as I pulled out a tray of them. Paul smiled at me. "What can I get for you?" I asked as I put the tray back into the display. Paul looked at the pastry's in the display before glancing back at me.

"I actually wanted to ask you if you'd like to grab some coffee with me. Being new in this town gives me absolutely no friends." He explained while scratching the back of his neck. I nodded at him.

"I get it. I moved to St. Louis a few years ago and it was hell trying to get friends." I laughed. Memories of the only actual friend I had was Harry and he tried to kill me. I let out another laugh, coming out a bit more breathy. "I can't leave the shop- but I can have a cup of coffee with you here?" I told him, turning around and grabbing a to-go cup and filling it up with coffee for him, before refilling mine.

"Can I actually get a cube of chocolate in mine? I can't stand how bitter it is." I turned to look at him in shock.

"Oh my god- I do that too!" I told him in excitement, opening the drawer and grabbing a cube for each of our coffees.

"Really? Wow- My dad started me on it. He always had a sweet tooth." Paul explained. I grinned, nodding.

"The man who I used to work for told me to do that. I used to come into work tired all the time and he told me that one cube of chocolate was all you need to cancel out the bitterness." I explained, handing Paul the cup of coffee as he places the money on the counter and we walk over to a small table to sit at. I place my coffee down as I remembered I had a a coffee cake in the back. "Would you like some coffee cake? I had baked it this morning." I told him. Paul nodded happily as I moved to go grab us both a slice. It was in the back so I tried to hurry with it.

Walking back out with two plates and forks, Paul smiled up at me

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Walking back out with two plates and forks, Paul smiled up at me.

"This looks great. You are extremely talented, Frankie." He told me as he ate some of his cake.

"Thank you. My mom taught me everything I know. Of course my old boss taught me quite a bit as well." I told him while sipping on my coffee. The bell to the door interrupted Paul before he could speak some more. I turned my head to see Kol had finally returned from the bank. "Kol! Come over here! This is Paul. He's new in town." I told him as Paul stood up and reached his hand out to shake Kol's hand. Kol glared down at his hand, before leaning down and kissing my head. Paul retracted his hand slowly before sitting back down.

"I thought you had to make tarts today, darlin'." My eyes widened as I had forgotten all about it. Jumping up before looking at Paul.

"I am so sorry. I promised Finn I would bring home tarts and the crust takes a bit of setting up." I explained to Paul before drinking the rest of my coffee and moving to the kitchen.

3rd POV-

Kol watched Frankie go into the kitchen before turning to Paul. A glare on his face. Paul went to stand up, getting ready to leave, but Kol grabbed his hand.

"I don't know who you think you are, but Frankie is taken." He tightened his hand on Pauls, a few cracks sounding out. "She is protected and not up for grabs for anyone else." He told him sternly. Paul cringed as his hand snapped some more.

"I just wanted a friend." He told Kol. His eyes held something, Kol could see it.

"Stay. Away. From. Her." Kol growled out, before releasing his hand and crossing his arms as Paul took his to-go coffee and left the shop. Kol stared at the door, watching Paul glance back before disappearing.

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