Chapter XIV: Plans

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"So what kind of answers are you hoping to get in New Orleans? You know no one else is here other than us right??" I sighed looking away from the passenger window to look at Kai. I had decided for him to drive in case I got sent back home mid drive.

"No, but in the 90s my mates- well one of them was at least in New Orleans. The others were in boxes." I laughed shortly. Nik was relentless back then. "Theres a lot going on in my world right now. Something is there and I have a feeling that it's possibly taken over my body." Kai glanced over at me, bewildered.

"Wait. Boxes? And something is in you? Like- in you in you??" He shook his head. "I- why do I feel like this? Is this jealousy? I don't like it." Kai mumbled off. I laughed at his reaction, shaking my head,

"Why are you jea- Jeez Kai. It's not in me like that!!" I exclaimed, catching on to his perverted-ness. "God!" My body shook in disgust as he let out a laugh, glancing at me. "And my mates are the Originals."

"Wait- all of them? You are legit mated to the Original vampires?! What the f-"

"Well one is a warlock. But yeah. Finn, Elijah and Kol are the Original Vampires. Niklaus is the Original Hybrid. And Henrik is their youngest brother they brought back from the dead to keep me from dying and coming back repeatedly." I said nonchalantly like it was an every occurrence. Kai stopped the car in the middle of the highway and looked at me. A look of disbelief on his face, eyebrows raised and eyes slightly widened.

"Okay- you've got to explain that, let's stop somewhere for snacks." He said, starting the car again and finding an exit ramp to find a gas station or something. I went on to tell him about my life, the different ways I had died to when I first met my mates- one by one.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm missing something- you know? Like a barrier blocking some of my life off." I told him, picking at my hands.

"What do you mean?" He questioned as we walk around the gas station. A bag of pork rinds in his hands, open and munching.

"Like- I don't know. Somethings being withheld from me. When I met Esther- it wasn't the first time. I could feel it. I was able to see that she was connected to my father meeting Erick but- I feel there was more than that. I just can't unlock the memory." Kai stopped me, causing me to face him.

"I could- you know- absorb the magic? Remove any magical block? That is if you want." He stammered. He knew the effect his siphoning had on us both so it was an odd topic.

"You think that would work??" I asked a bit excited. Kai shrugged.

"Doesn't hurt to try." He offered. I grinned at him, nodding.

"Yes-uh please, if it's not too weird." Kai smirked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would it be weird?" He asked, stepping closer. "Because it turns you on?" He questioned teasingly. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't think I didn't notice when you moaned. I have incredible hearing you know." Kai grinned at me mischievously, winking.

"I wasn't hiding it gorgeous." I felt flushed at his flirting. My dead heart fluttering slightly. "So we doing this? You know- it?" I snorted.

"Let's go to the car." I told him, grabbing some pretzel rods and a sprite. Kai chuckled, grabbing another bag of pork rinds and following after me.


3rd POV-

Frankie was currently changing her clothes, deciding she was needed at the bakery for a bit. She had decided to decline anyone coming with her, saying they should all stay back and try to figure out who was here and what was happening. Once she left the house, Elijah was in front of Nik.

"What is this?" Nik questioned, curious why his noble brother was standing in front of him.

"Don't tell me you don't notice it." Elijah pushed, sounding like he was in disbelief. "Brother, you are her mate- Please tell me you have noticed."

"Of course I have noticed. But unlike you all, I don't want to alert her- or whoever that is- that we know." Nik told him. "How dare you think I wouldn't notice my own soulmate wasn't my actual soulmate." He snarled. Elijah raised an eyebrow.

"You put on a good act then. I though you were accepting the full attention." Elijah stated. Nik rolled his eyes.

"Even I am not that self-centered, brother. Now what is that plan to figure out who that is?"

"We gather who we trust to perform a spell. The young Bennett and Eliza might be willing." Elijah told him. Nik nodded, both of the brothers making their way to the living room to speak to the witches.


"What do you mean thats not Frankie?? How could it not be?!" Bonnie questioned. Her eyes widened but narrowed in on Nik who had just spoke to her. "Is this another one of your paranoid episodes? Nobody is on your side- everybody is working against you-" Bonnie was interrupted by Nik flashing to her, hand around her throat. Her normal protective spell of causing brain bleeds not working. Eliza was there- she was stopping her.

"Don't you dare question my loyalty to my mate. Frankie is my everything. I would do anything for her. But she would defend her mates- no matter how long she has known them." Nik growled. Bonnie choked out a gasp.

"She didn't defend Kai-" She choked out as Nik released her. "How didn't I notice that?"

"Because you are not her mate. It's natural for non-mates to not catch on to oddities in others." Elijah spoke up.

"So what's the plan?" Eliza questioned, speaking up finally.

"I'm going to go spy on our little wanna-be mate." Kol spoke up voluntarily.

"Yes- that would be good." Finn nodded. "I will go with you. Make sure you don' something stupid." He muttered. Kol glared at him.

"I would never!" He spoke dramatically.

"Sure. You two do that. Eliza, Bonnie and Henrik- we need a spell that will reveal ones true identity. Can you find something like that?" Elijah asked.

"I saw something like that in one of Gram's books. I can go get it." Bonnie offered.

"I'll go with you." Henrik spoke up, grabbing his jacket off the chair.

"If there is someone in Frankie's body- she's in the prison world right now. Can we get into contact with the Gemini coven?" Elijah asked Eliza. She nodded.

"I know a girl in that coven, Liv, she may be of some help."

"Nik- where were you in the 90s?" Elijah questioned. Nik smirked.

"Oh brother- don't you remember? We were both in New Orleans. Our kingdom." Elijah smiled. He had told Frankie of their home there. She would know where the books were- the magic she might need to know for Kai. All he could do was hope Kai was helping her and not being a righteous asshole.

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