Chapter XIX: My Angel

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"A spell to activate a descendant?" Bonnie repeated me. I nodded the best I could. My brain was already really foggy. A headache coming on. "I-I don't know one." She stammered, unsure what to do. Henrik sighed.

"I'll look into it." He told me. I nodded.

"We don't have much time. She's fighting me right now." I breathed, grimacing in pain. Kol flashed in front of me, stroking my cheek gently as he leaned forward and pressed a short sweet kiss to my forehead.

"We'll get this fixed. I promise." He whispered. I smiled at him, nodding.

"How is bringing Kai here going to help us?" Nik asked, the jealousy clear in his voice but his question was an honestly good question. I smiled towards him.

"He's a siphon." I told him, waiting for it to click. Elijah grinned, the information automatically clicking together in his head.

"He can siphon the magic out of you.. It could work." He said out loud. Nik furrowed his eyebrows.

"Can't that kill you? You are made from magic." He stated. I sighed.

"I'll be fine." I told him, a smile on my face. But I knew it wasn't hiding the truth. I could die from this. This could be the end of my life for real. But I had to stay positive. I looked to Elijah who was staring at my stomach. "Everything will be fine." I told him directly. Elijah nodded, a faint smile on his lips. Henrik came barreling into the basement, a grin on his face.

"I got it!" He exclaimed. He had a piece of paper in his hand, walking up to me and shoving it into my hand. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"It should. It seems whatever I have here will be with me when I go back." I told him. He nodded, leaning towards me and pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Be safe." He whispered as he pulled away. I smiled.

"Always." I blinked a few times as my ears started to ring- blackness moving in on my vision as I closed my eyes.


When I woke up, Kai was sitting in the chair in front of me.

"That is such a freaky thing. You faded out of my arms and just BAM! You're back." He grinned. I laughed, sitting up and stretching a bit, rotating my wrists. "Did it work?" I smiled as I opened my hand to show him the note with the spell in it.

"Now we just wait till the eclipse." I announced.


3rd POV-

"God that is so annoying. The brat has spunk." Aurora groaned, blinking as she saw all the Mikaelsons in front of her except for Rebekah who has been a no show. Something about searching for her one true love. Nik growled at Aurora before turning to leave. "Awwh come on, love- don't you want to have some fun? We never did try chains, did we?" Aurora snarked. Nik let out a shaky breath, anger filling his body as his wolf side was peering through. Elijah came over and placed his hand on his shoulder though, guiding him out. "Pity." She muttered. Glancing to Henrik and Kol before looking to Finn.

"You're so annoying." Kol muttered, moving to leave the room, Finn following close behind.

"You know- I never did it with a Warlock before." Aurora mentioned suggestively to Henrik, winking towards him. He glared at her, shaking his head as he left the room. "Buzzkill!!"


The Mikaelson's gathered in the living room, waiting. They had no choice but to wait- they had no idea how long it would take for the spell to take effect or when Kai would show his face- if he would at all. Niklaus had a feeling he would bail. But Nik was known for being the paranoid one.

Kol was looking forward to meeting Kai. Hearing he was similar to himself. At least that's what Frankie told him.

Elijah and Finn only were thinking of the baby. They were concerned for Frankie as well. But the baby was a miracle in their minds. Would they be able to make another? Was this a one time occurrence? Would they be able to bring Frankie back if something happens?

Henrik was sitting in the living. Mind void of anything. He was brought back here. Given a third chance to live. Frankie had given him that second chance and he lost it. Now his third chance and Frankie was possibly leaving him. He couldn't let this happen. Not again.


Frankie's POV-

"Ready?" I asked Kai as we stood outside. The eclipse was starting any minute now. We had spent the time together talking and discussing our plan. Kai nodded, looking at me sadly. "Don't forget your promise." I told him calmly. His eyes were blurry.

"I won't." He grabbed me by my waist, pulling me to him and kissing me hard. "I'll be seeing you soon, Angel."

"Angel? That's the most normal pet name you've used on me." I joked. He smiled, shaking his head at me.

"It's not just a pet name, Frankie. You are my Angel. You came to me out of no where. You saved me. Kept me from getting too lost. Not to mention you made me feel something. You are my Angel." He whispered. I smiled, a tear falling out of my eye. Reaching up, I grabbed his face pulling him to me and kissing him hard.

"I love you, Kai Parker." I whispered as the eclipse set in. Kai stared at me for a moment.

"Say it when you see me again." He told me sternly, starting the spell. With that- he was gone.

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