Chapter XI: Something Unnatural

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"Your soulmate? You said you had five of them..?" Kai repeated, trying to process what I had just told him. He pulled away more, his hands leaving my hair and hip. An emptiness filling me at the loss of his touch.

"I do. I was given five at first. We are still trying to figure out how you became my sixth. The witches think it's because I'm a vampire now and your my weakness. A way of getting rid of me without the weapon that can kill me." Kai shook his head no, not understanding what was coming from my mouth. His hand running through his hair.

"I'm your weakness? So what, if people want to kill you- they kill me?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"I'm just saying what I know. This is what the witch told me." I told him. I reached my hand out to try and comfort him, but he pulled away, laughter coming from him as he shook his head.

"This is all a ploy isn't it? Distract me, maybe kill me? You put some spell on me, right? Or are you just the bait? The slut that is to distract me while the witches use some witchcraft on me!?" He snapped. My hollow heart seemed to drop into my stomach. The pain he was bringing me unintentionally stinging its way through my veins in pulses. The rejection of my mate building, like my soul was preparing for it.

"Kai-" I tried but he turned to me.

"No! You won't be some distraction. I'm finished here." He mumbled, turning around and leaving the house, the door slamming shut behind him making me flinch. Tears filling my eyes as I stared at where he was. It felt like my insides were being torn apart, shattering at the impact I had just taken. I sat back down as I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Closing my eyes to try and wake up, but nothing happened.

"Why can't I wake up when I want too?!" I snapped, taking the empty plate on the table and throwing it like a frisbee into the cabinets. Tears streaming down my cheeks as I let out a loud scream. I stood up and made my way to my parents bedroom, glancing around. Maybe if I laid down for bed, I'd wake up in my world again? I got into my parents bed, enjoying the warmth of their blankets. It was my mothers quilt. I had it, but the explosion destroyed it and everything else I had. Getting comfy, I closed my eyes. Inhaling the scent of my parents and feeling like they were there with me hugging me.


"Frankie? Are you alright?" I opened my eyes to see Nik standing in front of me. Glancing around, we were in the bakery.

"What- how did I get here??" I questioned. Nik furrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion.

"We drove here.. love- what happened?" He questioned, bringing his hand to my forehead like he was checking my temperature.

"I don't- I don't remember waking up this morning.." I muttered. I lift my hand to my head, trying to remember coming here. The bell on the front door ringing brought me out of my thoughts. Glancing up at the clock on the wall, it read noon. "That must be Matt.." I mumbled, moving to the cooler and grabbing the snickers cake for him. Nik grabbed it from me and we walked to the front together, his hand on my lower back.

"We're not done discussing this." He whispered in my ear before we exited the kitchen. Matt stood there talking to another person, Paul.

"Hey Matt, I've got your cake right here." I told him as I took the box with the cake in it from Nik and took it over to the counter. "I'll be right with you, Paul." I acknowledged Paul before glancing back to Matt and opening the box to show him. "I hope it's what you wanted." Matt looked at it and grinned.

"This is perfect! My mom will love it- if not I know I will at least." He told me in a cheery yet tired voice. It must be busy at the grill today. I began to ring him up as Nik went over to help Paul.

"Uh- I'm actually here to have coffee with Frankie." Paul stated, rubbing the back of his neck with a bandaged hand. "As friends." He added quickly at seeing Nik glaring at him.

"I'll be right there, Paul." I told him, sending a look at Nik before accepting Matt's payment. In the corner of my eye, I saw Nik glaring at Paul, glancing at his hand every once in a while with a smirk. I rolled my eyes before smiling at Matt. "Let me know how it goes, okay? Have a great day." Matt nodded, smiling and saying good bye before leaving with his cake. I turned around, making a coffee for Paul and I before walking over to him. "I've got this Nik." I told him, giving him a look. He glared at Paul once more before turning to go to the kitchen.

"I feel as though you are with a different guy each time I see you." Paul joked, sitting at the table and accepting his coffee. I let out a small laugh, shaking my head at him.

"I'm sorry about them. They can be a bit protective." I explained, my eyes looking at his bandaged hand. I could just tell that one of mine did that. I took a sip of my coffee before I heard the bell on the door, looking up I saw Bonnie standing there. I stood up quickly, noticing the tears in her eyes. "Bonnie?" I walked up to her and let her fall into my arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She cried into my arms.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked her as I saw Nik coming out of the kitchen to check on things.

"You should go." Nik said, looking at Paul. Paul nodded, standing up and putting the money down for the coffee.

"I'll see you later Frankie." He muttered, taking his leave. I looked up at Nik and he nodded, heading back into the kitchen.

"Talk to me Bonnie." I told her, pulling her back so I could see her.

"I should never have pushed you away. Grams would never have let me do that- but she's gone- I-" I pulled her to me, hugging her.

"Shh. It's okay. I get it." I told her. Bonnie shook her head, pulling back from me.

"You don't get it. Grams didn't die from a vampire." She told me. I looked at her confused. Trying to remember the evidence we had found for a vampire attack.

"What do you mean? She was drained of blood?" I questioned.

"I've been talking to the ancestors.. they said something is wrong- something is fighting against nature being here and they are the reason Grams died." I stared at her confused.

"I don't understand." I told her, shaking my head as I moved around her to grab my coffee, trying to focus on something else other than the image of Sheila's dead drained body.

"Frankie, Grams was used as a sacrifice to bring something here. Something unnatural." Bonnie told me as I sipped my coffee.

"So you need us then, witchy?" Nik asked as he came out of the kitchen. Bonnie turned to look at him, sighing.

"Yes. We need to work together." She said with a slight struggle. Nik smirked as he made his way to me.

"Well maybe we should take this back to the house then." I spoke up, finishing off my coffee and moving to the door to flip the sign.

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