Chapter IX: Anchored

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I sat up on the sofa, Nik sliding to sit next to me. His arm moving to wrap around my shoulders, pulling me to lean into him. My head laid on his shoulder as I let out a sigh.

"Have they figured anything out?" I asked, my eyes on Kol before moving to look at Elijah and Henrik who were making their way over to me.

"They believe that when we turned you into an original vampire- it might of ripped a hole between worlds." Henrik started. Eliza followed behind them, her green eyes on me in sympathy.

"Have you seen anything strange? Like a hole in the ground or-" I blinked a few times before interrupting her.

"A light." I breathed out. Everyone looked at me, confused. "I- I saw a light the other day.. behind the Bakery when I took the trash out." I started, looking at the ground as I tried to recall the odd occurrence. "It looked like a firefly or something.. But when I looked away- it was gone." I looked up at the witch, seeing her eyes look like the puzzle was slowly connecting.

"Did you touch it?" Henrik asked. His eyes looked concerned. I shook my head.

"I was about too- but you called for me and I looked away.." Henrik looked over to the witch to see what her thoughts were.

"Is there anyway you could have hit it or something when you turned around?" She asked. I shrugged.

"What does this mean?" I asked her, my hand running through my hair as I try to process the whole tear in the universe type thing.

"If the light was the tear...then that connects you to both worlds." She told me, a look of pity on her face.

"What about the sixth soulmate thing?" Nik asked. The jealousy in his voice very much evident. I looked up at him, moving my head away from his shoulder to see his eyes looking away from me. The pain in my chest at the thought of hurting one of my mates felt like my heart was being squeezed. Some tears brimming my eyes at the thought of Nik being upset with me. Looking away from him, I noticed Finn staring at me, moving towards me to pull me to him. Soothing my emotions before they got out of hand. Nik's arm being removed from my shoulders.

"When you ended the ReIncarnation- we believe that you were given a sixth soulmate to make up for the eternal life. Like how you are the one that anchors these five. Malachai anchors you." I looked at her oddly, confused.

"He anchors me?" I questioned, even more confused as Finn took my hand and rubbed circles into it for comfort.

"A way to kill you." Four of my mates let out a growl towards her, but I just stared at her.

"So if someone wanted to kill me- they use him?"

"If they don't have the weapon that is tied to you- yes. Like how killing you would have made it easier to kill the Mikaelsons. Easier. But it doesn't just kill them." She tried to explain- getting a bit flushed at the glares she was receiving.

"Just weakens. Okay, so Kai is my weakness.."

"Then he stays in that prison world." Nik cheered. I look over at him in shock. His blue eyes looking to me. "He stays safe being there-" I continued to stare at him, not believing him. I knew that he didn't want Kai out because of jealousy. I could see it in his eyes. "I- Frankie, I don't mean it like that." Nik spoke up, seeing the look on my face.

"I should- um- I should head to bed. I'm still really tired.." I told them, looking away from Nik and going to stand up. Elijah moved forward, grabbing my hand.

"I'll escort you to our room, Frankie." He spoke. I nodded, giving him a small smile.

"Frankie.." Nik tried, standing up. I shook my head at him.

"We'll talk when we go to the bakery tomorrow. If you still want to go that is.." I trailed off. Nik nodded quickly, assuring me he wanted to go still. Stepping forward and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Sleep well- Alright?" I nodded, kissing his cheek before turning to kiss Finn on the cheek as well. Kol bounced over, leaning his cheek down for a kiss but turning his face to capture my lips slyly. Letting out a laugh, I kissed him before scolding him playfully. Henrik shoved Kol out of the way, kissing my forehead sweetly before being shoved by Kol. Essentially, starting a shoving war between the two brothers. Kol was holding back of course.

"Goodnight." I mumbled to them, allowing Elijah to grab my hand again and guide me to the stairs. He led me into his room, walking to his closet to get me a shirt of his. When he handed me the normal t-shirt, my eyes went to him. A smile on his face.

"I noticed." He admitted, shaking his head. I laughed and pulled my shirt off of me, stepping towards him. Throwing his shirt to the bed and moving my hands to his shirt he was wearing.

"Elijah?" I whispered. A hum escaping his lips as he stared down at me, watching as I unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off of his shoulders. "Are you upset with me?" I questioned as I looked up at him. His eyebrows furrowed together.

"Why would I be upset?" He asked in confusion. I looked at him watching as it clicked in his eyes. "Because of- Frankie, I am not upset. Niklaus is a jealous man. Always has been. The rest of us only want you to be happy and safe." I nodded slowly as Elijah moved his hands to cup my cheeks, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I eagerly kissed him back, my hands moving up his chest to his neck, pulling him closer to me, my head leaning back so he could deepen the kiss.

Elijah carded his fingers through my hair, knotting them in and holding me in place. His lips kissing me hard before moving along my jaw, dragging across my skin before landing on my neck, kissing and sucking along my skin.

"Elijah-" I moaned, tilting my head to the head, my mind begging for something. I wasn't completely sure what though. But Elijah seemed to have known. His fangs extending and grazing against me, pulling a moan from my lips as he paused in question. A small nod from me was all it took for Elijah to pierce through my skin. A moan erupting up my throat as he bit into me. My blood pooling into his mouth as he let out a groan in response. His hands moving to my hips, gripping them tightly as he drank from me. When he finally pulled away, he moved one hand to the back of my head, bring it to his neck. I quickly responded by biting into his neck, his blood pooling into my mouth like I was biting into a jelly donut. The sweetness was like when I drank from Henrik during my transition.

"Mmm.." Elijah moaned out, tilting his head to the side to give me more access. The heat spreading through my body. When I pulled away from his neck, licking the blood up before looking at him, pulling him down and connecting our lips together once more. Our blood mixing in our mouths as our tongues dance with one another. I moved my hands down, unbuttoning his pants and pulling him to follow me to the bed. Elijah happily following my lead, his hands on my hips as my pants get pushed to the ground. Lifting me up and laying me on the bed as he hovered over me.

A moan leaving my lips as his hand moved along my skin, his harden member stroking along my core, pressing to my entrance as I try to lift my hips up to push him into me. Elijah chuckled against my lips, moving his hips to rub himself against my folds, teasing me. I pull our lips apart, whining at him.

"Elijah- don't tease me." I breathed out, giving him a stern look. He smiled at me innocently before he pushed into me, filling me completely as a gasp left my lips. He leaned down, reconnecting our lips as he pulled back before thrusting into me. Our lips moving in sync as we both moved our hips together, our hips colliding. Moans leaving us both, muffled by each other. His hand in my hair as our lips separated, his trailing along my skin before he bit into where my neck met my shoulder. I let a moan out, lifting my leg up, wrapping it around him to pull him closer to me. Jerking my hips forward as he rolled into me. Moving quicker against me.

Elijah bit harder into my skin as I began to tighten around him. My hands moving up his arms to his back, digging my nails into his skins as I whimpered from the pleasure building up in me. Feeling it shatter around him. The heat exploding through me as my eyes rolled back some, toes curling and head leaning back. Elijah let out a groan as he rolled his hips into me once more, a fiery hot explosion mixing with mine in pure euphoric bliss.

"Oh god-" I moaned, panting as Elijah pulled back from my neck, dragging his tongue over my bite mark. He lifted his head, a smile spread across his lips before kissing me softly. The feeling of love spreading through me at his touch.

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