Chapter 7: Don't worry I have contacts

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Scientist POV

I woke up and I saw... The heroes base!! Oh boy what was that dream? Nevermind I guess it's just something I want to happen or at least that could have happened *sighs* *starts to get up* I admire foot soldier he's so brave and cool 'not like my dream lmao if anyone would be like me then I would have been soldy and he would have been... Well little me' *chuckles* I should keep going and have some breakfast then I will go with the two heroes to my old base with the others that way Zomboss won't discover where I was *gulps* or what I did... *Starts walking to the kitchen* I don't want to think about that...
*Starts opening the kitchen's door*

No one POV

Scientist opened the door he noticed that the room was dark very very dark, except for a little light that came from the fridge which was being opened by rustbolt... They both blinked, exchanged glances, blinked again and then an awkward silence until rustbolt decided to break the ice

"Huh... Hi...?" *Munches*

"... Hi..." *Thinking* 'Didn't brainstorm told me the kitchen is full at this hours of the morning?'

"Want some? I guess you came to this kitchen because you like to eat this right?" *He offers scientist something maybe food*

*Taking it* "uh thanks..." *Looks what inside of his palm, rustbolt just handed him some nuts(nuts of metal not 🥜 but 🔩), screws and mechanical pieces*
"Huh Rusty not to offend but... I don't think I can eat these..."

"What are you talking about? Didn't you came to this kitchen because you eat these?"
Said a different voice, the owner of the voice being Steve the z-mech

"I mean how? Brainstorm told me to come here to the kitchen, he told me the kitchen is usually full at this hours of the morning but... I only see you and rustbolt... I don't understand, or am I dreaming again?..."

"No dreams scientist, this kitchen of electricss, me ann rust eat in two khichen"
This voice was different and more zombified it was electric boogaloo

"What electric boogaloo means, this one feeds the members of the team that consumes energy, electricity or even mechanical pieces" *He turned on the light, revealing that the dark room was some kind of storage with old fridges, some batteries recharges and more pieces of ... Well every kind* "and there's another kitchen that is the one that feeds the heroes with organic matter, I suppose that's the one you search"

"Yes! Huh... Can any of you show me where that kitchen is?"

"I can, after all it's the turn of my second meal"

"Second meal...?" (Damn rustbolt looks so thin were does all that food goes?)

"This *shows the metal* it's for this *puts it inside his armor* but this *points to himself while putting off his helmet* needesss rreeak food rust eat like others, armor eats like they *points to Steve and electric boogaloo* booga eats like rust *puts on the helmet* so that's why we came here electric boogaloo just comes here to recharge himself then goes with me, and we both eat with the others"

"Oohh... Now I understand"

"Come we guide, care with beasts"

"Beasts?" *Starts to panic*

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now