Chapter 13: I don't like you but I like your honor

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Ice cactus: *listening to something coming from the rocks and when said thing approaches he didn't doubted and shoot at it with all his might freezing "the thing in place" but said thing was paleontologist, he wasn't frozen completely but for him it was still cold

Paleontologist: "W-w-wh-a-t... Arrrrrr-e you! D-o-o-oi-ng??" *He says as he shivers from the cold, after all he was like a reptile but the worst part of his body was frozen solid too, his tail*

Ice cactus: "oh! UPS! Thought you were... A rake...?"

Paleontologist: "T-t-hos-e-e d-ooes-n-n-nt exi-st!"

Engineer: "you kay? Me heats you with your dino blaster" *he grabs paleontologist's dino blaster, after all the dino doc's weapon flew away by his own owner's surprise*

Paleontologist: *although he can move slowly he can't at all because his tail was the one who took most of the damage, yet that wasn't what worries him but the one who was hiding behind the rocks* "n-n-o e-e-e-eng-i-i-iee! W-aa-r-r-rn t-h-he-eeeem a-b-o-ut football!"

At the same time his name was mentioned, a big zombie rushed towards the plants with all his force striking them with a ultra tackle he was angry.... No... MAD for what they did to his dear dino doc he knows how sensitive he can be to the cold, so everytime he goes to a cold place he uses his garment to keep him warn but now... The plants crossed the line, the two chompers tried to eat him from below the ground, but something they didn't saw and neither did engineer was that he grabbed the sonic grenades from engineer when he used the ultra tackle, throwing them to both chompers stunning them in the place then with his gun he sent them flying knocking both of them, the alien flower was going to attack but was stopped by sunflower, she pointed to the paleontologist, the fire scientist wasn't even trying to grab his dino blaster, he was trying with little strength he got to reach to the bigger zombie, it looked like he was trying to stop him and so was engineer who looked like he didn't knew what to do, so they decided to revive and heal the two chompers preventing them to vanquish forever

Paleontologist: *defrosting* "c-come on!"

Football star: "RAARRGHH!!" *Football star was out of control, trying to vanquish every plant*

Everytime the cactus shooted at him he would keep walking menacingly towards them, Jade cactus as the elite he was shooted at his head, but that didn't stop him at all, his rage was making him to go further away from his health limits

Jade cactus: *shooting and seeing that his health wasn't decreasing* "wh- why hasn't he fallen down already???"

Ice cactus: *trying to freeze him* "he hasn't frozen!!! He should be by now!"

Both cactus embraced themselves preparing for the worst it was definitely a betrayal coming from the zombies this was their secret weapon and they were going to lose two ELITES! Maybe it was a trap from the beginning and that scientist was just strolling around, already vanquished chompula and this was a whole theater mask, Jade knew it! They aren't trustworthy they aren't!

Paleontologist: *in front of football star, shivering slightly and struggling to keep himself on his feet* "H- hello... Achoo!" *He sneezes because of the cold, yet he tries to calm down his boyfriend* "I'm fine... It was an accident... This desert hides many things, weird creatures is one of them... I don't blame them"

Football star: "..." *He was breathing hard, staring directly into paleontologist's eyes, still he had an enormous rage within him*

Jade cactus: *preparing to shoot at the all star's eye, in an attempt to blind him and gain some time to escape, but sunflower got in the way moving her head in denial and motioning him to wait, so he does... But he doesn't apart his sight from both zombies*

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now