Chapter: 16 The redeemers

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In the surface

Alien flower: "did you feel that?" *She asks to the plants and paleontologist who are sitting outside the cave*

Paleontologist: "feel what?" *He tilts his head to one side*

Jade cactus: "the earth feels weird..."

Hot rod Chomper: "something trembled... It wasn't an earthquake... It was something else..."

Chester chomper: "do you think it comes from the cave? Because it felt like it" *he starts getting inside the cave*

Jade cactus: "woah chester wait!" *He whispers shouting*

Chester chomper: "what? It isn't dangerous to enter I am going to check, alien could you lend me some light?"

Alien flower: *turning on the lantern she got from her backpack*

The cave was illuminated showing more precious rocks from many colors, both chester chomper and alien flower started investigating the cave, the latter following closely and locking at anything the chomper said to lighten, but now they were confused... The cave didn't have an exit?? There was not even a hole to enter how are scientist and chompula supposed to exit it? Maybe they confused the cave and there's ANOTHER cave in the desert... So they decided to call the ones that stayed behind outside the cave

Chester chomper: "Jade cactus??" *He calls for the mentioned plant for advise*

Jade cactus: "Chester?" *He asks from the outside his voice being more notorious for each step he takes*

Chester chomper: "do you see... Any entrance or exit? A little tiny non visible hole?"

Jade cactus: "nope?" *He says while looking at every detail the flower shoots with the lantern*

Chester chomper: "and why are you so calm?" *He asks while wondering if the plant has already realized*

Paleontologist: "who is calm?" *He enters the cave wondering why the chester chomper called the Jade cactus so suddenly*

Chester chomper: "come here zombie, you are someone perspicacious... Do you see something wrong with the cave? Something that is missing?"

Paleontologist: *seeing every detail and taking notes mentally to find the answer of the question the plant set* "uhh... Besides that big rock on the center of the cave... Oh! oh..." *He says while widening his eyes and covering his mouth*

Jade cactus: "what?? Guys! You are starting to worry me!" *He demands nervously to know what's going on*

Paleontologist: "I don't want to alarm you but..."

Jade cactus: "I won't be alarmed you can tell me" *he says calmly while resting both of his arms on his hips*

Paleontologist: "there's not exit..."

Jade cactus: "...."

Paleontologist: "...."

Chester chomper: "...."

Alien: "in three, two one..." *She counts while covering her hears*

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now