Chapter 17: So many voices but only one remains silent

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter may contain some explicit descriptions of past mentioned rape and an attempt of it, if you are not comfortable with it you can skip it and go to the next chapter, but I will put an ⚠️ when said scene happens so you can also skip the scene then another ⚠️ so you know where it ends other than that you can proceed

Paleontologist POV

Okay this is weird ASF... What am I saying?? This isn't even supposed to be normal!!! First chompula sparing scientist is something that I didn't see coming (well actually I did but not that soon!) What in the hell happened inside that cave? I tried asking many times to the normal scientist but he refuses to talk about it... I respect his opinion yet I can't help but to feel responsible if not guilty for whatever those two had to endure... But this was not what makes me tick... NO what is disturbing me RIGHT NOW is the fact that my friend's best friend and MY BOYFRIEND who are completely normal and undeveloped zombies are talking like... LIKE US!! US FREAKING SCIENTIST us who are one step closer to think like zomboss or maybe we are already like him... OR WE EVEN SURPASSED HIM I DON'T KNOW!!! Walking back all the desert just to sleep two hours doesn't help either

Football star: "hey what's wrong sweetheart? You look like you just had the worst dream ever..." *He says as he cups the other's cheeks*

Paleontologist: "Football... You are. Not. Helping." *He says as he rubs his irritated eyes*

Football: "I'm so sorry! I want to help but you haven't let me since we rescued scientist... You know I'm open minded and whatever is troubling you I can listen to you"

Paleontologist: *just was staring with a desperate look on his face, he wants to think this is a bad dream oooooorrr he died or maybe he is not thinking because of the lack of sleep or whatever because right now he still can't process why his boyfriend is talking like this, the bigger zombie hasn't expressed to feel different which again only add more worrisome thoughts on his mind*

Football star: "oh no... I know that look... Let's do our breathing exercises follow my lead breath in... Keep it for 5 seconds then let it out" *he says as he gestures with his hands and do the breathing exercises he mentioned before*

Paleontologist: "..." *Still looking at him unconfident*

Football star: "come on Paleo! You are not following my lead! Or maybe..." *He hums sensually* "you want to finish what we let behind on this same bedroom before we were going to save mad" *he starts to approach him but is stopped as paleontologist grabs both of his hands roughly

Paleontologist: "NO THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT NOW" *he raises the tone of his voice... At least his boyfriend is still there? He thinks because no one but him can be that lustful*

Football star: "oh... Oh ah... Maybe you want to be the top right?" *He laughs nervously*

Paleontologist: "No that's not... Football you haven't noticed?"

Football star: "uhm... If you don't tell me sugar cups I can't help you... I am not a psychic..."

Paleontologist: "the way you are talking!!!" *He says desperate trying to see if his boyfriend is aware of the words that are coming out from his mouth*

Football star: "uhh... Please don't get angry my dinosaur but I always have talked like this..."

Paleontologist: *now he really was astounded how come to be that all this time his favorite zombie has been talking like a preescolar and now he talks like a goddamn high schooler and he doesn't even is aware of it?* "Listen football I... Need some time okay?" *He opens the door of his room to get some... Clear air and to clear his ideas because at this rate he will faint (again) from lack of sense* (I just hope scientist is taking things better than me)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now