Chapter 1: Is that a sunshine?

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??? POV
I was wondering what kind of mission will be this, I mean crazy Dave always send us in you know crazy missions but this time it was nothing but vanquish 50 zombies so the thing is that all you need to do is shoot shoot and shoot It was on the battlefield of Jewel junction, I already was there before the zombies attacked the humans so I know a bit the terrain

Scientist POV

"So if the enemy vanquished someone what would you do?"
Revive them ignoring everything else

'the paleontologist was telling us about our job and matter what we do the objective will always revive and heal even if that means that you will have to die, and if you are wondering... The only ones that can talk in an understanding language is us the scientist we are the most intelligent zombies and that's what define us from the others, every class has its own leader for us the scientist is paleontologist, for the foot soldiers is the general supremo, for all-star is the goalie and for the engineers is the welder, we were going to the battlefield and no matter what, you will revive and heal even if you have the chance to save your life that last words makes me feel shivers'

"All right now let's go" said the paleontologist

'It was everything fine I mean sometimes I just feel afraid of doing something wrong... But this time everything was fine I vanquished a lot of plants and best of all I haven't received a lot of damage nothing can go wrong... Until I saw that angel in front of me... And she was a sunflower

Sunflower POV

'gosh we were losing the battle it wasn't a big deal, because the vanquished plants were just 35 and the zombies 40,'
"Sunflower the zombies are going to the east side there's no way they can escape there" said peashooter "if-!!" "What peashooter?!" 'whas that an all-star using a Sprint tackle?, I heard what the zombies were planning to do' "foot soldiers to chomper, me peashooter, engineer battllee tha cactus and spiky heir to sunflowers go go!"
'And then I heard him'
"My hair isn't spiky it's... Just different!"
'A mad scientist?! I'm gonna fight that zombie?? Well I know this gonna be a easy one, I shoot him right in the hand so now he's disarmed and... Is he trembling?! Tsk just one shoot to head and he will get vanquished'

"Please.. don't-I am scared" 'he is backing down, and he fell gosh why I can't shoot him seeing him afraid of me makes me feel uncomfortable and weird'

Scientist POV

'I heard engie yell from the back'

"Science use sticky explosevek ball!"
'right my sticky explody ball why I dint thought in that! But... why can I throw it to her?! I- she is so beautiful even if she is glaring at me, even if she is going to shoot me and possibly kill me I can't I just can't! Her smile her scent... makes me feel happy like a happyness that I haven't feel in a long time'

"Spiky heir kill her and we get breinz"

"I won't!"
"What you said!?
"I said no what is the reason for doing this? I mean if we can work together the world will be a better place there's no reason for fight we have been surviving without brains there's no reason to be so selfish and try to eat David's brain!"
"If you not then me yes"
"All-star no!"

No one POV

All-star tried to kill the sunflower but they didn't know that the plants have already called allies so... The zombies were going down one by one, the have plants already vanquished 50 zombies so that means that the battle finished for this time, and that means that Zomboss will coming for his zombies and same for Crazy Dave

Scientist POV

"Zombies retreat I don't want to lose all my team besides I need to test some of you!"
'Oh no when, he says that, it means a punishment, hope that all-star don't say anything or otherwise I'll be in many many problems...'


"And spiky heir said that we don't need fight and rotten plants and zombs will freinds"
"Alright I didn't catch all the information but let's see what we can do for that, you can go" SCIENTIST!
"Y-yes sir?"
"So what did you said about we zombies and plants possible friendship?"
"Now I wouldn't believe all-star if almost all the zombie army wouldn't get to me and talk about what you said and what you did! Now tell me scientist what are we going to do with you?"
"Quiet as always isn't it?"
"With all respect sir I just don't see the point of this I do not agree with all your plans and-"

" Oh Believe me you will do as I say and if not then you are not going nit only but receive the worst punishment in your entire life and I would break you until you can't move anymore, then I will fix you and then feed the chompers with you and if you survive then-!"
"Am I interrupting something?"
"Ah paleontologist my good captain how are you?'
"Fine I guess sir, I already have the reports of you know... the heroes if you want them to study them and come to a conclusion of what will benefit us"
"Sure I'll be there later, and I... WAIT A MINUTE!! Did you said the HEROES?!?"
"Yeah is something wrong with that sir?
" No it's just that it was to early I sent you to talk with them a few days and I expected the answer at least like I don't know maybe a month or two? They are very busy to talk, it's not like they're interested in the garden warfare"
"Well sometimes you don't know the answer right anyway are you going to come they are waiting for an answer from our leader"
"Yeah I'll be there in a minute, could you make me a favor? Get this trash out of my sight and put it in the cells at least he can learn a lesson"
"Yes sir, if you give me your permission I would like to talk with him so I will take a few minutes"
"Yes do whatever you want you can punish him if you want the whips are near the-"
"No, no I will just have a conversation it's all"
"Whatever you want paleontologist"

'Maybe this isn't going to be so bad I mean paleontologist save me I'm so glad he's here'
"What were you thinking about that behavior of yours I mean what will you do if I didn't appear and Zomboss haven't changed his mind?"
"I don't know..."
"Sigh you are like a brother to me and if something happens to you I would never ever forgive myself! Don't do that again ok?"
"Yes I'm.. I- sorry... I just... I sigh I don't know what happened to me outside I am a totally jerk"
'Wait did he said like a brother?? We just met today at the morning what the heck?'
"Just don't do any mistake Zomboss is very rude with the punishments and one single error will be fatal believe I know from experience"
"Wait... He has already punish you?!?"
"Yes no one is safe of the Zomboss rage even us captains, but I have to admit that you have guts kid"
"Did you heard it how much did you heard?!"
"Let's say that almost everything but I said this because when Zomboss once rebuked me all that I did was nothing but stay in silence I didn't explain my reasons like you"
"He I guess you are right but what are you trying to get to?
"You are brave and even Zomboss know this but you are pure too so that's why everyone try to get through you and hurt you well it seems that we are here"
"Before you go... Earlier you said that I am like a brother to you but... I don't know for all the life and neither you"
"When the time comes you will know"

A/N And that's all for today I just wanted to write a lot cause first in the first chapter I didn't write a lot and second I felt like I wanted anyway what do you think? What is paleontologist or does he knows something that scientist don't? Comment and see ya in the next chapter :D

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now