Special for Halloween (though I'm late but still wanted to publish it)

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Scientist POV

Today the battle was set on Zomboss estate, near his mansion, our home but I felt like something was off... I dunno what like when you are alone at home but you feel like someone is with you, even though you are alone and you know it but still feels like you aren't, that kind of odd what was weirder was the next thing it is supposed that when a team wins the battle by vanquishing 50 zombies or 50 plants, Dave and Zomboss come and get us out but... It didn't happened for some reason weirder for us because we are in our home I saw general supremo going to the mansion's door just to found it was locked, soon all plants and zombies started to use our communicators but... Not Zomboss or Dave answered

Scientist: "This is weird... Engie can you use your drone? Maybe check out the windows?"

Engineer: "me can't"

Scientist: "why?"

Engineer: "interference, some reason weird"

That's even odder I thought, just as I was starting to think I noticed some of the elites approaching towards me and engineer

General supremo: "you mad scientist?"

Scientist: "yes I am"

General supremo: "paleo told me you good relations with plants, as a superior me wonder if you can ask them what wrong? I don't like plants, want them out of our grave soon but weird Zomboss is not answering, ask if it's their doing"

Paleontologist: "scientist, could you also please ask one of the cactus if their drones are failing too? I think it just affects our technology but... *He starts to mumble something then continues* it may be worse than I think if their drones doesn't work, after all they use psychic powers to control them"

Goalie: *signing to paleontologist*

Paleontologist: "umm yeah I think so, if there's any problem we will be near to back off okay?"

Scientist: "thanks I'll tell you if it is their doing "

Scientist started approaching the plants he was wondering who to ask so he first went to the plant he knows the best and can trust with his whole heart (literally and metaphorically)

Scientist: "hi sunflower" *he starts to play with his fingers and to lightly blush*

Sunflower: "heya mad, there's something weird on the atmosphere don't you think?" *She starts to look at everywhere and their conversation was interrupted by some plants starting to approach scientist on a hostile form*

Scientist: "uhh... Sunny?" *He starts trembling and backing away from the plants*

One of the elites noticed this (the welder) and made signs to paleontologist, as this happened the elites started approaching the plants too, another battle was going to start

Cactus: "it seems that this zombie wants to die again sooo bad"

Scientist: "sun- sunflower...!"

Sunflower: is like something is going to happen something really bad... But I can't catch what?"

Count chompula: "well well, well destiny can be quite generous, I can't wait to eat you piece to piece ~"

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now