Chapter 12: Let's make a truce

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Scientist pov

I was laying in top of something big and raspy... Like a reptile's skin, I saw all around me and the place where I was, it was a big cave like a mine but there was no ore in the rocks, the place was barely visible because there was no light except for a little hole coming from the ceiling... I think that's where I came from... it doesn't look like because it's tinier than me Why was I here? I fell... Because I was fighting someone... A plant.... A... Then before I could process the whole information I felt the thing I was in top of started moving and I inmediatly recognized it... It was count chompula!! of course!! I was fighting him and we ended breaking the ground below us, I started searching for my goo blaster to find it on the ground near a rock that looked like some stairs, it was then that the plant started moving... It seems he was unconscious this whole time, really lucky for me, if he wasn't I would have been digested already

Count chompula: *moving and waking up* "owww... My head... Where am I...? And... YOU!" *His dizziness passed away as soon as his sight caught the scientist who was taking his weapon" *he starts running to him showing his bare fangs*

Scientist: *noticing him* "woooooaaahh!!!" *He started running in the opposite direction while shooting at the plant, at first he was confused on why his attacks didn't made any damage until he remembered what the plant told him before in the surface, so he decided to save ammo and search for a high place, he directed himself to the rock in form of stairs and with his warp he teleported in top of another rock at least unreachable to those zombies and plants that doesn't have an ability that helps them to reach high places or long distance places, fortunately for scientist count chompula didn't have an ability to climb or teleport in that rock he just stared at scientist with rage, and did the most logical thing for a chomper to do when a zombie is on an unreachable place

Count chompula: "get down!"

Scientist: "No!"

Count chompula: "please?" *Putting puppy face*

Scientist: *thinking about it* "aww but is still a no"

Count chompula: "fine then! You leave me with no option! I'll use my special attack on you and before you can even process it you will be on my mouth struggling to keep your miserable life!!"

Scientist: *afraid and curious about his special attack*

Count chompula: "HERE. IT. COMES!!" *He spits his super sticky goop near scientist's feet it didn't do any damage to the zombie and it just made the little zombie to jump slightly back*

Count chompula: "...."

Scientist: "..."

Count chompula: "..."

Scientist: *looking at him quizzically and annoyed* "really?"

Count chompula: *blushing embarrassed* "oh shut up! It isn't my fault I ain't no plant with abilities for high terrains!"

Scientist: *sighing* "it's going to be a long day... I really should have followed Dr toxic and astronaut advice and stayed in the base playing with them..."


Scientist POV

After that dream... I woke up with conflicted feelings specially towards zomboss... Is it really true? Am I supposed to love zomboss now? Or hate him more because I'm leaning towards the latter... Who is birdie and what happened to him? Oh god! Did zomboss did something to him while he was sick!?! No... It doesn't make sense if that was the case and if I order my dreams... Birdie should be still alive right...? But engineer was created before and he was already alive when birdie got sick... My head really hurts at this rate... And those poor zombies... They didn't had the fault of Zomboss making me fight them and it wasn't their fault either!! I should really apologize for everything... Buy I hadn't see any all star that resembles to the one from my dream... Nigel isn't actually available... Frogpantz? No, zomboss always keeps him in the laboratory... Gregor... I can't apologize anymore... He... Deceased a long time ago in the first battle with the plants... That... only makes me feel worse... I was going to remember another zombie but I was interrupted as paleontologist, astronaut and Dr toxic approached to me

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now