Chapter 14: befriending the enemy

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In the underground minutes before the first team parted into the desert

Scientist POV

Again here I was in a dark moggy cave with a plant predator staring directly at me... I moved to my right side and he... Just followed me with his gaze, I decided to slowly go to the rock but he started growling so I stayed there, afraid of him and very aware he may do something but also if I moved he would DO something so I just sat down in front of him but with a precautionary distance, it was really an awkward silence until he decided to cut it with a no so nice comment

Count chompula: "what have sunshine catch her attention on you...?" *He says while pursing his lips*

Scientist: "I still don't know..."

Count chompula: "then what have YOU SEEN on her? Something may have caught your attention right?"

Scientist: "it... *He first thinks on her beauty face and all her expressions but he thinks that's not enough for an answer* "well... It was..." *Then he thinks in the way she acts and talks but he thinks that's not enough either* "you know...." *He then thinks on the way she moves and smells and realizes! That is not either* *sighs* "I don't know..."

Count chompula: "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW??? You gotta have your priorities and show them to the world!!"

Scientist: "well what about you? You got your priorities standing firmly on the ground?"

Count chompula: "of course I do! I crave for her to be my partner and my light in my dark life, I want to have some babies with her, mmm I wonder how those would look like~ and I wonder what kind of faces would she do when I'm making them" *he chuckles like a pervert*

Scientist: "that's disgusting... At least...! Are you even going to take care of those kids??"

Count chompula: "pfft of course not! The big sun will and sunny can teach them like a school, then when they are well taught I will teach them how to be a perfect vampire" *he smiles proudly*

Scientist: *having bad memories of the dream he had and the word PERFECT started repeating on his head over and over like a ferris wheel of bad memories with the voice of the person he disappointed the most* "DON'T YOU DARE TO RAISE THEM WITH THAT WORD!!" *He starts growling and his hair stood up like a wild animal something he hasn't done on his entire life*

Count chompula: *growling at him* "oh yeah? SEEMS LIKE THE SOFT ZOMBIE ISN'T THAT SOFT AFTER ALL!!"

Then suddenly a big stick  with a note pasted on it fell in front of them separating them immediately for the fight stance they were adopting

Count chompula: "what the? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO INTERRUPT US WHEN SOMETHING GOOD IS GOING TO HAPPEN??" *He then looks at scientist to see if he still wants to fight but disappointedly he finds the same frightened zombie* "Tsk! What a chicken, hey stupid doctor read that already I can see from here it is not readable for me"

Scientist: *trembling* "uh? Oh... Y-yes s-s-sorry..." *He starts reading the note this time finding paleontologist's handwriting on it* "Greetings scientist I already received the notification from both you and the chomper and we all decided to pass you a homemade torch! :D now you may wonder where's the fire? The answer is... There's no fire! :3 actually no, don't worry on this note I wrapped something a little gift" *scientist starts unwrapping the note in form of ball to find tiny balls of magma*

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now