chapter 6: some dreams may not be dreams

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Scientist POV

"Uhhhh w-" I found myself in a different place I... Remembered being with the heroes right?....

"Brother there you are!!"

'riiiight? Wait that zombie...' I can't believe what my eyes are watching that's foot soldier but why did he called me brother? Also he looks younger? Like a child... *Seeing his own hands* my hands look tinier too... 'Not that they are that big but they aren't supposed to be that tiny!! ok scientist just act normal' "hey brother what do you want?"

"Scientist it's seems that dad wants us both to show us something maybe another brother I'm excited" *he's jumping and spinning while he smiles*

'how cute' I thought it's almost as if he's younger than me

"That way I won't be the baby brother anymore"

'ok he's younger than me'

"Let's go if we go later we may receive a punishment I don't want that but if we go early maybe dad will give us a chance to play" *he took scientist's hand and started guiding him*

*Looking at the place and looking at the little foot soldier in front of him* 'this place...! This is the secret laboratory of zomboss why are we here? Oh my is he... Is he smaller than me? Holy!! I'm taller than someone who isn't an imp!! If this a dream please nobody wake me'

"Huh scientist were you listening to me?"

'oh crap what did he said'? *I looked at him with an apologetic face*

"Of course you didn't, I said do you think we'll be able to finish our base? I mean if dad doesn't let us go outside today we won't be able to finish it"

'what base? What should I say? Uh? I noticed my mouth starting to talk by it's own as if my brain already knows what to say'
"I think if we are good and help dad he will give us five" *I smiled to him* "maybe dad it's happy today"

"Bu- but... If he isn't?" *Starting to shake*

"Then I'll misbehave I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you" *I hugged him tightly as I can like he would disappear or something*

"But... I don't want you to be hirted" *sniff*

"Don't worry soldy I am stronger and bigger right? I'll be ok besides it's the job of big brothers to defend their lil brothers" *I winked at him while I stroke his little helmet* "also it's pronounced hurted you won't like to make that mistake or dad may tag you as a monke" *I said while I laugh cheerfully to him*

"Hhheey I know I misspelled the word because I started to cry" *he smacks lightly at scientist chest*

"Hehe whatever if it makes you sleep tonight little monke"

"Heeyy" ><

"We should keep going" *now I'm leading the path even though I don't know it I still recognize this place*

No one POV

The two little zombies started to fasten their steps knowing that their "dad" may anger if they keep him waiting, they both entered a room labelled as "Creation room" and saw two tall zombies whose appearance were of two doctors one with a big head like if his brain was coming outside of it that was the one the boys called "dad" the doctor Edgar George Zomboss and the other was almost indistinguishable he has a helmet that looked like a bird mask and a complete suit much like the plague doctor heroe that foot soldier admired to much for his comics books, this was the Zomboss assistant nothing like that, he was also knew as SBF-01 but both boys liked to call him "birdie"

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now