Chapter 3: The message

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Scientist POV

So I was thinking about what happened before, and well now that I think about it, it was a bit odd... And I have to admit sitting on a bench in a cell... Makes it easier to think... (Sigh) whatever...

Zomboss POV

"So what are you trying to get to professor brainstorm?
"The only thing that I'm saying to you Zomboss, is that of course we will send you heroes but... It's not the time"
"What are you meaning about that isn't the time?!? Have you been updated or you have been playing with your portals stuff??  Obviously there's not much time if it's what you are trying to say then yes there's no time and we already need help"

"Zomboss we all have our problems,we heroes are having our casualties too,and something is wrong the other day I opened a portal but it was inestable and I closed it because it would be dangerous and... Are you even listening?!"
"You will send us the help and there's nothing you can do about it! Now what do you say?"

"Ok, why don't you talk with superbrainz boss?"
"You never call me boss... Don't you dare to leave me hanging with superbrainz!"
"Superbrainz here is the boss and he wants to talk with you, enjoy it"
"Brainstorm come here in this moment don't- no you! Come back loser of the science fair!"
"...! You were to close"
"Hey boss howitz going?"
"Fine superbrainz just pass me to brainstorm and there will be no problem"
" I handsome?"
"Wha-?! Yes you are now I tell you something, if you bring me brainstorm then you will be the handsomest zombie what do you say?"
"Brainstoooooorm!! Tha boss said me handsome you come hereeeee!!"
"Oh and if you don't mind carry him he loves to be carried"
'he hates to be carried hahahaha'
"No leave me alone superbrainz you don't need to carry me put me down now!"
"Hello there ~heroe~"
"Hi boss"
"You are such a headache"
"Why thank you now will you cooperate?"
"Ugh just don't tell I didn't warn you! We will send 2 but they will be the strongest zombies and second it will take time so wait"
"Fine but the earlier you send them the better for me"
" Changing the topic.. How is it doing that scientist of yours?"
"That garbage? He is in a cell so that way he could learn a lesson"
"Don't underestimate him"
"And why the sudden interest on him? You aren't the type that feels sorry for the others"
"I'm not that type that's true, but you know you don't need to be so rude with him"
"Pfft you are saying that he could be our secret weapon or what? Ha! Scientist being able to fight, it would be a miracle he can't even vanquish a sunflower"
"That's right but when he gets mad, he can be stronger than you thought and if I were you I wouldn't be so mean, that means he could be stronger than anyone else in the base and I know what you did to him so let's say, when he remember it will be your end"
"... Superbrainz could you please put me down?"


"I have to admit that was very odd..."
'but if brainstorm is so interested in the scientist then I can get some advantage of it'
"Scientist come here"

Scientist POV

'oh gosh is he... Talking normal with me? He always talk back with screams and a lot of swear I think I already lost it'
"Yes sir?"
"You recently did something that I can't forgive but for this time you can be saved about that"
"I don't think I get it at all boss..."
"Well I'll forgive you but you are going to do a job it would be an easy one now let's see... Where did I put that key..."
"A job? What kind of job would it be?"
"(Opens the cell) I will send a letter to crazy Dave and you know there's always a zombie that delivers the letter right?"
"Mmm... Yeah I think they're the so called Messengers am I right boss?"
"Yes indeed you are and do you know what is the status that they are given?"
"I don't have any idea boss"

"Well they are considered the most important zombies and the fastest and best of all they even hasn't been in a battle and they got a house for themselves"

That's amazing!! But... Boss why are you telling me about them?"
"Because the job that I have for you is not other but being a messenger yourself"
"But... If you don't mind being erased for all no life then... It's ok I just wanted to give you a chance"
"I will take it"
"Ha excellent you are not so stupid as I thought then here is the letter you will deliver it tomorrow the location is Dave's mansion"
"...!boss... Do you mean plants base?"
"Of course it wouldn't be a mansion if it wasn't a base right?"
"Yes, but..."
"Are you afraid of the plants? wasn't you the one that say that both plants and zombies could be friends?"
"Yes sir... I will take care of the letter and I will deliver it save and sound no matter what..."
"Good boy you are even starting to sound like a messenger already you should go home and rest you will need it"
"Good night boss..."
"Indeed it is"

Next day

'So here I am sending the letter I need to admit it is scary as hell but not so scary as being erased by Zomboss hands so I have to climb up the hill... This is not gonna be easy... Let's just analize the terrain... There are a lot of plants... Zomboss leave me in the garden and there's coming a chomper right now... Wait!!! There's a chomper coming right here to me oh no what a I'm going to do!?!?... A disguise that's it'
"Hello there I'm not sure if I know you... Are you new?"

Heya! It's been a long time since I updated and I have to say I love to write this aniway do you think I should do an animation of this?? Maybe maybe not I dunno by the way how are you doing in this days I Know it's not easy but hey at least we have internet right?? I'm doing a lot of drawings on Instagram so if you wanna follow me check this link :
And... If it doesn't work please let me know see ya in the next history :3

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now