Chapter 10: Some dreams may not be dreams part 2:

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So before we start this chapter I want to clarify I'm going to use only lil scientist pov and not the big, that way I won't confuse ya and I won't confuse me either lmao at the beginning I'll start with his thoughts then I'll stuck with lil scientist thoughts then at the middle of the history that changes (you'll see why) then we continue with lil scientist and finally at end of the chapter we continue with big scientist (hope this doesn't confuse you :"") enjoy 💖

Scientist POV

I opened my eyes and... It was this dream again!! By my side was the little foot soldier walking with me, the place where birdie sent us to finish our base (I wonder how it looks like) this place was white and big ... It looks familiar to me..., fortunately it only got one straight path so we didn't got lost, I wonder... Was this dream real? Or is it just a delusion and my mind is playing with me? I looked at the little foot soldier who would jump and smile at me occasionally I wonder... What is he thinking and if all of this is real...

Soldy POV

This place was huge I was starting to walk faster I reaaaaaalllyy want to finish my base!! Maybe we can find more things I remember I got one towel from the other side of the wall we used it as a flag, mmm why would dad said that place is forbidden?

Soldy: "hey scientist"

Scientist: "yes soldy?"

Soldy: "why do you think dad says the other side is forbidden...?"

Scientist: "I... Um... When he created me first I remember he said something about monsters and bad persons wanting to hurt us..." *He says as he stops and starts thinking about what zomboss told him once* "that's why it is forbidden"

Soldy: " monsters...?" *He says scared*

Scientist: "hey hey, calm down it's okay, since when dad told us the truth hmm?" *He says as he gently holds soldy's chin*

Soldy: "but- if it's true dad doesn't want us hurted... Right?"

Scientist: "ohh yessss he definitely doesn't" *he says sarcastically as he glances at soldy's wrist then at him*

Soldy: "Right..."

Scientist: "listen maybe he wants us alive, but only that" *he starts walking again this time leading the way* "he doesn't love us, he sees us as cruel machines and cold soldiers, even he designed you with that appearance!" *He says exclaiming with both of his hands to the little zombie*

Soldy: *starting to cry*

Scientist: *he notices this and tries to calm the younger* "no- I mean... Maybe he's just scared...o Of us... I mean he's scared of us leaving him, leaving his side, I don't know okay!?! He's... Weird"

Soldy: "you think so...?" *wiping his tears*

Scientist: "maybe... Maybe not..." *Hopefully for him (because he didn't knew what to tell to soldy anymore) they found a light meaning they got on the garden birdie talked them about* "look! It's the exit!!" *He takes soldy's healthy hand*

Soldy: "yaayyy!! We are going to finish our baseeeee!!"

They both started running towards this weird place when they got out they were astonished it looked beautiful everything was colorful and the sky looked so lively, like a fairy tale soldy definitely loved it but scientist... Not too much

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now