Chapter 15: Your past isn't what defines you

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In a not so far garden... There was once a plant, who's mind was of an investigator... His curiosity didn't had limits he liked to see the bugs, walking on the grass or climbing on the threes, he didn't only looked at them with shining eyes he studied their behavior... He liked to eat a lot he was a chomper after all, he really was interested in the anatomy not only of himself but also of his friends, the cactus were so big! And although they were spikey if a cactus gave you a hug you didn't get hurted he wondered why was that? Peashooters are so cuteeee and the quantity of the peas they can shoot it's unlimited he felt amazed on how so little plants can contain so much amount of peas, he liked the way the petals of the sunflowers shined bright and he was quite impressed in how they absorbed the solar light of the sun and transformed it for other plants to use... His best friend a tiny sunflower just like him... Was also interested in research the beauties of life She was a peculiar flower he thought... His curiosity didn't have limits why? Because he was a child!! Dave planted his seeds with love and care, he was one of the few plants that remained inside of his house so maybe the source of his curiosity comes from there, everyday he would see what the human did and he always wondered what was going to be his next invent... One day his curiosity lead him to an unknown place... a big wall that is forbidden but he decided to break the limits of the unknown with his unlimited curious... Curiosity is something good! Curiosity can help you to discover all the secrets you want!
With curiosity the sky is the limit Curiosity... Is no that good... And it can... Lead you to disastrous events.... One day this child disappeared leaving no trace of where or who he went with... His friends and family were sick worried for him... Especially his big brother

"Oh chomps.... Where are you?? Please come back... We never finished your treehouse..."

In the present
The underground

The vampires were preparing something for our protagonists they were both unconscious and chained into a metal chair preventing them to escape and behind them the vampires were positioning machines and weird devices... The first to wake up was count chompula... Who was still analyzing his environment... And was disgusted by the sight in front of him...

Varon von bats: "morning chompula~ I was wondering if you were going to wake up you got me worried there, I said what if he didn't wake up! What a completely waste of my blood and my time... But then I saw your eyes movements" *he says while stroking the chomper's hair*

Count chompula: *trying to break free from his chains* "why can't you leave me alone!" *He says while struggling more*

Varon von bats: "because you are my responsibility" *he chuckles in a charming way*

Count chompula: "oh, like the responsibility you had with the prince?" *he answers roughly*

All of the vampires gasping

Varon von bats: *changing his tone of voice and his eyes starts glowing red* "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAID?" *He says in a demoniac voice, he then walks towards chompula and uses his claws slashing the poor plant on his left side consequently lowering some of his health* "YOU ARE LUCKY I HAVEN'T SENT YOU INTO THE INFINITE REALM!"

Count chompula: *trembling* "It would be easier..."

Varon von bats: "it would... But where am I going to get my entertainment from?"

Count chompula: *growling at him, but then he remembers that scientist it's there still unconscious* "I know what you want with me... But why dragging him into our strife?"

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now