chapter 5: a whole heroe place

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Scientist pov

I wake up a bit dizzy and try to move only to realize that I was tied to a medical table 'how did this happened on the first place...' (he started to remember all the things that happened on the plants base) 'nonononono so he knows already... He must be angry' I knew what I did and started to struggle against my straps or well know as "belts"

"Tap tap"

I heard some footsteps like some kind of boot or maybe a shoe 'o god the only one who's got a medical table and those kind of shoes is no one than zomboss'
I started to struggle faster as I feel my breathing starting to get heavier

"Please" I said "it wasn't my fault I just did what you said I- I I delivered the letter"

"The sound stopped"

He knew he was on his left side he knows already what is going to happen he was scared he started to struggle more and more against his bondage he even started to scream to call someone to help him... Even if he already knows what comes next

"Hey calm down it's alright kid I'm not going to hurt you"


He doesn't recognize that voice it sounds kind of similar of his own but serious like someone who has a low tone yet demanding something like a leader

"Geez calm down I have to restrained you so that way you wouldn't hurt yourself your injuries could have gotten worsen I'm going to turn on the light"

*He pushed a button and then a light bulb turned on*

"Agg" I squinted my eyes trying to cover and adjust them to the light

*Chuckles* "sorry must been the effects of the portal you'll get used to it"

"Ummm can I ask who are you?..."

I asked the previous dark figure which now was revealed as a zombie he has big googles like mine and has a moustache, on his head he has a weird funny hairstyle reassembling like some kind of knife?... Or maybe a scythe I dunno it looks sharp but also soft and also he wears a cape of color red somehow, it remembers me of a poncho and I noticed he has a symbol on his belt looking like some kind of... Skull? ...! Wait that symbol...!

"My apologies for the lack of introductions my name is brainstorm professor brainstorm allow me to free you from your chains"

"Heh thanks"

*Brainstorm starts to unbuckle the belts that keep restrained our little scientist zombie*


"Yes better" *scratches the back of his head* "sooo Mr brainstorm... Ummm how do I get here I mean I remember being on company of plants not any zombies around that I remember..."

"Oh well I saved you but don't worry about that come let's get out of here"

*Brainstorm took scientist hand to guide him out of the medical room*

While both zombies were walking on the corridor they started to hear a weird sound scientist was kind of afraid, after all the sound It's exactly like a machine, on other hand brainstorm seems unaffected or perhaps he already knows what or "who" it's making that sound

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now