Chapter 11: I'm a vampire it's on my genes, but maybe it's not on my genes

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Count chompula POV

I know that I shouldn't have said those things to sunshine... I know I don't deserve Dave saving me I know that if I wasn't too curious any of this would have happened I think I made a mistake... But deep inside my mistake was my win, as I was thinking all of this... My past, the present and my future I decided to check on sunshine maybe she'll forgive me right? I heard her making her daily stroll, she was talking with someone else and unfortunately I recognized the voice of her accompany, it was her sister shadow flower... And my ex girlfriend... I visibly gulped, really there's some weird force giving me the most ridiculous and yet difficult obstacles in my life, I really want to talk to her... I mean her sister... But how? And what is it? they're talking with a lot of enthusiasm and giggling?? I am really curious so I decided to follow them and hear some of their talking

Sunflower: "yeah... That's what happened... I don't know if it was his fault or he's just... Trying to ignores us..."

Shadow flower: "girl... That's pretty messed up but I don't think that's the case I saw beyond his eyes and deep inside he looks sorry for not knowing, even Dave said he can readapt, he can have a life with us the plants"

Count chompula: (are they talking about me?!?) *He gets near to hear more*

Shadow flower: "but changing the topic... Do you like him?" *She says with a smugly face and raising her eyebrows*

Sunflower: *blushing madly* "wh- WHAT!? O- of course not!!!"

Shadow flower: *showing sunflower's communicator* "reeeeeaaalllly? Cuz judging by the spam of messages it tells me otherwise" *she winks*

Sunflower: "Hey!!! Give that back!!!"

Count chompula: (hold on... She doesn't have my id number?!?! Then what plant are they referring to???) *Keeps listening*

Shadow flower: "oh come on!! We think equally likely so it is sure that you think he is, because I really think he is" *she giggles on a girly way*

Sunflower: "SISTER!! OMG you shouldn't think like that!! We are different from him!"

Count chompula: (but different I would still love both of you...)

Shadow flower: "well at least don't deny me this"

Sunflower: ??

Shadow flower: "he's cute, the cutest thing you ever seen"

Sunflower: "well... You... You are right ok? But those are my only feeling towards him"

Count chompula: (oooohhhh sunshine and darky thinks I'm cuteeeee yyyyreeeaaahjhhhshckdlbdk) *he contains his feelings and keeps listening*

Sunflower: "with that... Pointy hair..."

Count chompula: (hmmm) *nodding happily*

Sunflower: "his immense intelligence"

Count chompula: *nodding* (yeah I'm quite intellia- intellents- ehum intelligent)

Shadow flower: "his big googly eyes"

Count chompula: (hmmm) *nodding but stopping confused*

Plants vs zombies gw Why the world is like this? A Scientist X Sunflower FanficWhere stories live. Discover now