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Dream kept you locked up in there all day, randomly bringing you small plates of food every once in a while. It was torture. You had lost count, but after a lot of days, Dream returned and unchained you. "Thank god," You muttered. He grabbed your wrist as you started to walk off. "I assume you've learned your lesson."

You nodded. "And I've learned mine," Dream spoke, putting rope on your wrists. "I can't trust you until you truly prove yourself. Maybe I should start using the potion again." You froze. You couldn't go through that again.

"Please no." Dream moved his hand from your wrist to your shoulder. 

"I suppose if you listen to me, we can make it work," He replied.

You let out a sigh of relief and started following him downstairs. You saw it start to snow outside, and that made you feel good. The ground being painted white had always brought joy to your heart. "Can we go outside in the snow? Please?" You begged. Dream stared at you in doubt. "Fine."

You silently cheered and followed him outside. Dream removed the rope from your wrists as you fell into the snow. This was the first moment of happiness you had since Dream had taken you. "Thank you, Dream."

He nodded, keeping a close eye on you. A snowflake landed in his dirty blonde hair and you formed a snowball. You threw it at his head. Dream jerked his head around in anger and picked up a pile of snow to make the biggest snowball you had ever seen. He threw it at you, and knocked you over in a sweep.

"Hey!" You yelled. Dream walked over to you with a smirk plastered on his face.

These were the moments that made you love Dream. He could be so pure and carefree, and the next he would be angry and controlling. It confused you, and made your feelings for him very unclear.

You had decided to give up for now. You would stay with Dream. Normally, you would keep fighting. But trying to leave him was pointless and tiring. Dream walked closer to you and crouched down to your level. He offered you a hand, and you took it. He pulled you in for a hug. "I'm glad that you're mine."

After the embrace, you looked down at the ground full of snow. What about Wilbur? Your brain was telling you that Dream was manipulating you into loving his evil self, but your heart told you that Dream truly loved you and was a good person at heart.

But which one would you listen to?

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