In the Middle of Memories

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You froze. "Uh oh."

You shot a glance at a terrified Punz.

Dream pointed his axe in Wilbur's direction. Wilbur held a sword and tons of other gadgets, similar to the ones he used on you before. Hopefully he didn't have anything much more advanced.

You didn't want either one of them to take you, but you knew you were going to end up going home with only one of them. Or one of them would win and find you eventually. You had no idea who you would ever end up with at this point, but you knew that none of the men were going to give you up without a fight.

You were glad that the Death Note was hidden... It would have made this even worse.

You turned to Wilbur who was looking at you with a smirk. "I'm going to kill your little boyfriend, and then you'll be with me once again," Wilbur whispered.

He was going insane, wasn't he?

"I should have never brought you back, Wilbur. I thought highly of you, you know," Dream replied, a sour tone to his voice.

"I thought highly of you too, Dream. Stealing my girlfriend is not ok though. So now I'm going to kill you, and take your revive book and Y/N."

"First of all, you can't just take me!" You shouted, crossing your arms.


"No one owns me, you don't just inherit me if you kill Dream," You retorted. XD sort of owned you in a way, but Wilbur and Dream surely didn't.

"I can do whatever I want," Wilbur smirked.

"I won't let you take her from me," Dream grunted.

Without any warning, Wilbur shot an arrow at your forehead, and you fell onto the ground. Dream looked horrified. "What have you done? I've come further than I was when I first met her, Wilbur. I'd never hurt her or shoot her, or anything like that," Dream growled, angry as ever before. 

Wilbur just laughed. "Relax, it's just a special arrow. Y/N, all of these memories are going to make you feel guility if you go with Dream," He taunted.

It was an arrow that replayed memories of you and Wilbur. He really was going to make you seem like the villain. You felt your eyes close. Your mind was only focused on Wilbur. Memories of the two of you just kept playing. It was like a dream you couldn't stop without someone else's permission.

The memories wouldn't stop...

You walked into your and Wilbur's cabin, and everyone jumped out of their hiding spots. "Happy Birthday, Y/N!" everyone shouted.

You saw your favorite type of Birthday cake on the table, ballons everywhere. Tommy shot confetti everywhere, and you laughed, hugging them all quickly and rushing over to Wilbur. You fell into his arms, and he gave you a kiss on your forehead. "Did you plan all of this?" You questioned.


You blushed and celebrated the rest of your Birthday with Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Fundy, and Eret. This was before Niki and Jack had ever even lived at L'Manberg. You and Wilbur were together for a while.

The kids and Eret had went to sleep. You and Wilbur were lying down on the grass inside the walls of L'Manberg, and you were looking up at the sky full of stars. "This one is like you," Wilbur commented, pointing up to the sky.

"Why?" You giggled.

"Because it shine so bright, and so do you. Just you shines so perfectly, and you are the main thing in my life," Wilbur smiled.

"Aw, Will. I love you."

"I love you too," He replied, starting to lean in.

You wanted to cry. Wilbur had you trapped in guilt. Here the memories come again.

You had challenged Wilbur to find you. It was like a game of running hide and seek around the L'Manberg. New shops were built, the walls were polished, and everything was better than ever before. You claimed that there were so many places to hide, and now that there was such an open field, you could run as fast as you wanted.

You hid in the small town building, as you saw Wilbur approaching. "Y/N!" He shouted, finally spotting you.

Wilbur started to run toward you. You exited out the back, and started to run through the flower field. You felt yourself being swept off your feet, as Wilbur held you, bridal-style, walking into your and WIlbur's home.

He put his beanie on your head, and then pulled it over your E/C eyes and then over your mouth. You kept quiet, containing your giggles until he sat on the ground, you in his arms. Wilbur started laughing.

"I got you," Wilbur smiled.

He pulled the beanie up, so he could se eyour face. He fixed it so it was properly resting on your head. "You're adorable," Wilbur blushed.

You loved his goofy smile and fluffy hair. "You're even more adorable," You smiled.

These memories were killing you inside. More of them came other then these two. You couldn't handle all of them. After what felt like an entire lifetime, your eyes blinked open, and you were panting. 

You stood up on your feet to see Wilbur and Dream arguing, getting ready to battle. "What was that?" You demanded, out of breath.

"Did you like it, love?" Wilbur smirked.

He was right... You did miss him. But you missed the innocent version of him, the kind version of him. You missed your old realtionship before he practically went insane. If Dream had never crashed your wedding, you would have still been happy with Wilbur. Should you still blame Dream for that?

"I-" You stuttered. He had found a weak spot, great.

"I'm not coming with you."

Wilbur lunged at you, putting a sword against your throat and putting you against him. Dream walked closer to the two of you. He tilted your head up with the tip of the blade, smirking at Dream, who was in a panic.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Dream ordered.

"And what if I do?"

You couldn't turn around, but you trembled as Wilbur did an evil laugh. "You're going to far, Wilbur."

"Says the murder," Wilbur laughed.

"I've hurt her once in the past. I swore to myself that I'll never do it again. I hate myself for it. Do you really want to see her covered in blood?" Dream answered.

"I don't want to, but I'll do what has to be done."

"You're sick."

He put a hand on your face, turning you to look at him, the sword still against your throat. "If I can't have you, then no one can."

Dream ran toward Wilbur.

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