Lies Go Both Ways

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You had traveled back to the location of Dream's house. Hopefully he was home, and hopefully he wasn't that mad at you for leaving him. You'd just have to gain his trust and get on his good side. Maybe then he'd give you the reward of reviving Ranboo. In the process, you'd have to be careful to not fall super in love with him again.

This was going to be intresting. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After moments of waiting, Dream opened it and stared at you, frozen in place. He looked you up and down as if he was checking that it was really you.

"You left me... and then came back? Why?" Dream questioned.

He pulled his mask off and clipped it onto his belt, the two of you truly being face-to-face now. What were you going to say to him? Maybe you could tell him half of the truth. Wilbur had came and taken you, but you came willingly...

"Wilbur broke in the night I was gone. He took me. I've been searching for a way back to you ever since," You explained. Dream could believe that, right?

You wanted to play his game. Lie to him and trick him into believing that you wanted to be with him.

Dream nodded and let you inside the house as you shivered from the cold air outside. He sat you down on the couch and rushed into the other room. He returned with a cup of hot chocolate and a blanket and gave them to you.

"I was worried sick, Y/N," Dream spoke.

"Maybe it was a bad idea to revive Wilbur. I thought not telling you would be enough," He sighed. 

"I should have believed that you could revive people," You frowned. It was all a lie. He would fall for your tricks now.

"It's ok. It is a hard thing to believe in. I'm glad that you finally want to be with me. Wait. You do, right?" Dream asked.

You smiled and embraced him as he sat down next to you. He smiled, and he seemed genuinely happy. Great, now you felt bad. Dream did well at his manipulation, but what if he just wanted someone to love? He'd would be horrible at showing it, but it could be true. There was no way he had good intentions, right?

"Of course I do. I love you," You said. It's a lie, you don't actually love him, right? Right? Those feelings went away a while ago.

He hugged you tighter. "I love you too."

It's all lies...

It's all lies...

You had to return the torture he gave to you previously.

You had to.

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