The Imprisonment of Karl Begins

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i've gotten so many nice comments/messages, you are all so sweet. thanks for the support, have a great day!

"Where are you taking me?" Karl yelled.

"To a secret room, and then probably to prison," You smiled.

"What the h-" Karl started to scream.

Quackity covered his mouth. "Be quiet, or else Sapnap will hear us. And we aren't going to let you go that easily. Where's your time travel book?"

"It's in my house," Karl whispered.

Quackity ripped the goggles off Karl that rested on his forehead. Karl looked like he was about to loose it. Well, he couldn't fully use his powers now, could he? You felt proud of your and Quackity's actions so far. You'd be suprised if Sapnap didn't come after you at somepoint after all this.

"Give that back," Karl hissed.

"I don't think I will," Quackity laughed.

"Karl, do you see how painful it is to have someone power over you and slowly ruin you?" You questioned.

"This game of yours won't last long. Sapnap will save me."

"You're letting Sapnap's cruel intentions rip you apart Karl," You sighed.

You and Quackity adjusted handcuffs on Karl's hands, and you led him toward an unfamiliar building. Quackity claimed that it was a smaller building that he used before, and if would work perfectly to temporarily keep Karl locked up and away where no one would be able to come and find him.

Quackity roughly threw Karl on the floor as he backed up against the wall. Karl looked scared... There was a part of you that felt slightly bad for him. He just wanted Sapnap to always love him, and he was trying his best to do what Sapnap needed for his trap to work. He would always be on the same side as Sapnap.

"Let me go," Karl pleaded.

"No," Quackity replied, firmly.

"We have some things to speak to you about," You spoke, taking a deep breath.

Karl seemed to be staring at you for a while now, and you were a bit creeped out. Why did he feel the need to look at you for so long? You weren't doing anything exciting. You were just standing there in combat suit that was gifted to you by Dream. It was more for long journeys and missions, so it was different from the one you got at Techno's.

"Why do you keep staring, Karl?" You asked after it started to creep you out.

"Oh, my bad. Haha, there's no reason, I'm just so INSANELY BORED and I'm also LOCKED UP."

"Take a chill pill, querido," Quackity spoke, rolling his eyes.

Karl blushed. 

"What's that word supposed to mean? I forget," You questioned.

"It means that he adores me," Karl smirked.

"Are you really just going to flirt with everyone?" You asked in annoyance.

"Oh, you're my favorite, mi vida," Quackity winked.

"I doubt that," Karl spoke.

"So, Karl we're going to have to tell you some things."

"Yes, what the pretty lady said."

"I'm taken Karl, so you can have him. Anyways, Quackity has something to 'scold' you for, and then I'm going to have a talk with you."

"What is it Quackity? It's probably something dumb."

Quackity seemed very upset. Karl had really hurt him. And he was just treating it as a joke, and Quackity was clearly offended by that. Karl had hurt you too. Even if he was just following Sapnap, you were still upset with him, and he deserved to be held accountable for his actions. He didn't need to die though...

"You forgot about me. You only care about Sapnap. You even care about George and the citizens of your kingdom. You started Kinoko Kingdom without me, and you never even invited me to join it. You just don't even care about me anymore, mi amado."

"Of course I do, you idiot. You can't even be that mad if you're going to keep calling me your beloved. I have memory issues from time-traveling, and the making of Kinoko Kingdom happened shortly after a very long time-traveling trip."

"Excuses!" Quackity yelled.

"Quackity, it's ok-" You started.

"No, mi alma, it's not."

Quackity was really stepping it up with the nicknames.

You felt really bad for the poor guy. You hugged him and let go after a few seconds.

"Karl, know that what you did isn't ok, and now I have some issues to discuss with you," You spoke.

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